重要提示:若要使用 Google 钱包进行感应式付款,您必须拥有一部支持近距离无线通信 (NFC) 的 Android 手机。
您可以在任何接受 Google Pay 的地方使用手机付款。若要使用智能手表进行感应式付款,您还必须位于支持此功能的国家/地区。
如需了解哪些银行和支付卡支持在手机或智能手表上使用 Google 钱包付款,请在下方选择您所在的国家/地区。
This location doesn't currently have any local issuers with Google Pay.
If you're in a location where Google Wallet is available, you can download the Google Wallet app and add a card from an issuer that's supported in another location. Learn which countries or regions you can use Google Wallet.
Check the other locations for supported payment methods by country.