Finn støttede betalingsmåter

Viktig: For å kunne betale kontaktløst med Google Wallet må du ha en Android-telefon med nærfeltskommunikasjon (NFC).

Du kan betale med telefonen overalt der Google Pay godtas. For å kunne betale kontaktløst med smartklokken må du befinne deg i et land eller en region der denne funksjonen støttes.

Velg land eller region nedenfor for å finne ut hvilke banker og kort som støtter betaling med Google Wallet på telefonen eller smartklokken.

Du kan søke etter banken eller kortet med Ctrl+F.

Banks Supported cards Unsupported cards
Accordbank Mastercard credit and debit cards Visa credit and debit cards
Altbank Mastercard credit and debit cards Visa credit and debit cards
Bank Clearing House Visa credit and debit cards --
Bank Vostok Mastercard debit and credit cards, Prepaid cards; Visa credit and debit card --
Concord bank Visa credit and debit cards, Mastercard credit and debit cards  --
Credit Agricole Ukraine Mastercard Consumer credit/debit, Business and Maestro cards, Visa debit and credit cards --
CRYSTALBANK Credit and Debit Mastercard cards --
First Ukrainian International Bank Mastercard credit, debit and prepaid cards, Visa credit and debit cards Mastercard Electronic and Maestro cards, Visa Prepaid cards
JSC Bank 3/4

Mastercard Credit and debit

Visa Debit

JSC ACCENT-BANK Visa cards  
Joint Stock Company "Agroprosperis Bank" Visa credit and debit cards  
JSC "BANK ALLIANCE" Mastercard credit and debit cards Mastercard corporate cards
JSC Bank Credit Dnepr Visa and MasterCard debit and credit cards --
JSС "Bank Portal" Mastercard credit and debit cards  
JSC "BANK "UKRAINIAN CAPITAL" Visa credit and debit cards  
JSC "Commercial Bank "Globus"  Mastercard credit and debit cards  
JSC First Investment Bank  Visa cards  
JSB Forward Bank Visa credit and debit cards  
JSC Ibox Bank Visa Debit  
JSC Idea Bank Visa credit and debit cards  
Joint Stock Company "OKCI BANK" Mastercard debit cards  
JSC Motor-Bank Visa Debit  
JSC «PIRAEUS BANK ICB» Visa credit and debit cards (including Business and Internet cards) Сards of other payment systems
JSB Poltava Bank Visa Debit  
JSC Procredit Bank
Visa cards --
JSC "Raiffeisen Bank Aval"  Mastercard cards  
JSC "State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine" Mastercard credit and debit cards, Visa credit and debit cards  --
JSB Ukrgasbank

Visa credit and debit cards

Mastercard credit and debit cards

JSC “UNEX BANK” Visa credit and debit cards  
JSC Universal Bank Visa cards  
Megabank JSC Visa credit and debit cards  
Misto Bank Mastercard credit and debit cards, Visa credit and debit cards --
Monobank Monobank cards --
MTB Bank Mastercard credit and debit cards, Maestro, Visa credit and debit cards --
N2 Capital AG Mastercard Credit  
NovaPay LLC Mastercard Debit cards  
Oschadbank Mastercard and Visa credit, debit and prepaid cards Mastercard Electronic and Maestro.
Mastercard Virtual and Visa Virtual cards
OTP Bank Mastercard debit and credit cards, Visa debit and credit cards  
PJSC "Kredobank" Mastercard cards  
Public Company Joint-Stock Bank Pivdennyi

Mastercard Electronic and Maestro cards, Mastercard credit and debit cards, Prepaid cards

Visa debit and credit cards

PrivatBank Mastercard and Visa credit, debit and prepaid cards Visa and Mastercard internet cards, Visa Electron
Sense Bank Visa debit and credit cards, Prepaid cards Business cards (both Visa and Mastercard)
Tascombank Mastercard credit and debit cards; Visa credit and debit cards --

Mastercard credit and debit cards

Visa cards

Visa credit and debit cards
Unex Bank Mastercard debit cards Visa credit and debit cards
Radabank Mastercard credit and debit cards, Maestro Visa credit and debit cards
Raiffeisen Bank Aval Debit and Credit Visa and Mastercard cards Visa and Mastercard corporate cards
RwS bank Mastercard Consumer Credit, Consumer Debit, and Business Debit  
JSC «Pravex Bank» Visa credit and debit cards --
JSC JSCB LVIV Visa credit and debit cards --

Det er banken som avgjør om kortene den utsteder, fungerer med Google Wallet. Banken kan begrense kortene sine fra å kunne brukes til mobilbetalinger.

Hvis banken din ikke er oppført eller kortet ditt ikke kan konfigureres for mobilbetalinger, kan du ringe telefonnummeret på baksiden av kortet for å gi banken tilbakemelding.


Trenger du fortsatt hjelp?

Hvis du fortsatt har problemer eller lurer på noe, kan du spørre brukerfellesskapet eller kontakte oss.


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