Cercar formes de pagament admeses

Important: per fer pagaments sense contacte amb Google Wallet, has de tenir un telèfon Android amb comunicació de camp proper (NFC).

Pots fer servir el telèfon per pagar en qualsevol lloc on s'accepti Google Pay. Per fer pagaments sense contacte amb el rellotge intel·ligent, també has de ser en un país o una regió on s'admeti aquesta funció.

Per saber quins bancs i targetes admeten els pagaments amb Google Wallet al telèfon o al rellotge intel·ligent, selecciona el teu país o regió a continuació.

Per cercar ràpidament el teu banc o la teva targeta, utilitza Ctrl+F.

Banks Supported cards Unsupported cards 
Bank SinoPac All VISA and MasterCard credit cards Prepaid cards, Corporate Purchasing Cards, Corporate Cards
Cathay United Bank All VISA and Mastercard credit cards and debit cards Commercial cards
Chang Hwa Commercial Bank All VISA and Mastercard credit cards Commercial cards, Debit cards, Procurement cards, JCB credit cards
Chinatrust Bank CTBC VISA and Mastercard credit card and debit card

Prepaid cards, Commercial cards, Procurement cards

Chunghwa Post Company, Limited Visa debit cards  
E.SUN Commercial Bank All VISA and Mastercard credit cards and debit cards Commercial cards, Procurement cards
Entie Commercial Bank All VISA and Mastercard credit cards Debit Card (yet to support), JCB credit cards
First Bank  All VISA and MasterCard personal credit cards, VISA Debit card Commercial cards
Hua Nan Bank All VISA and Mastercard credit cards All Debit cards
HSBC All VISA and Mastercard credit cards VISA Debit cards
VISA Business Car
MasterCard Corporation Card
KGI Bank All VISA and Mastercard credit cards  
Mega International Commercial Bank 

All VISA and Mastercard credit cards

Visa debit card 

Commercial cards, Procurement cards, JCB credit cards
Shanghai commercial bank All VISA and MasterCard credit cards VISA Debit Card and JCB Credit card
Shin Kong Bank All VISA and Mastercard credit cards VISA Debit Card
Standard Chartered Bank All VISA and Mastercard credit cards and Visa debit card  
Taipei Fubon Bank All VISA and Mastercard credit cards and debit cards Miffy card, Procurement card, JCB credit cards
Taishin International Bank All VISA and Mastercard credit cards and debit cards Commercial cards, Procurement cards, JCB credit cards
Taiwan Cooperative Bank All VISA and MasterCard credit cards VISA Debit Card, Commercial cards, procurement card
Union Bank of Taiwan All VISA and Mastercard credit cards VISA Debit Card, Commercial cards, procurement card

Els bancs decideixen si les seves targetes funcionen amb Google Wallet i, per tant, poden restringir si cap d'aquestes targetes es pot utilitzar per fer pagaments mòbils.

Si el teu banc no figura a la llista o no pots configurar la teva targeta per fer pagaments mòbils, truca al telèfon que hi ha al revers de la targeta per fer arribar els teus suggeriments al banc.


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