You can do things like make calls, send messages and check your voicemail.
Turn on the screen reader
- On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings.
- Tap General
- Tap VoiceOver.
- Turn on VoiceOver.
Find other ways to improve your experience with your iPhone or iPad.
Get to know the settings in the Google Voice app
At the top, you’ll see:
- Navigation menu: View things like your account details, settings, credit, help and archives.
- Search tab: Find past calls, messages and your list of contacts.
- Create new: Make a call or send a new message.
At the bottom, you’ll see:
- Messages tab: Send messages to people and see your old ones.
- Calls tab: Make phone calls to your contacts and see your call history.
- Voicemail tab: Listen to voicemail messages left to your phone number.
- Keypad tab: Enter a name or number to look up your existing contacts.