You can listen to voicemails or read voicemail transcripts.
Important: Voicemail transcripts may be incorrect or missing. We're working to improve transcription quality.
Listen to or read voicemail
Important: When you open a voicemail from an email, as a security measure, you’ll get asked to sign in to Google Voice. To listen to the voicemail in an account, you must sign in to the Google Voice account.
- On your computer, go to
- On the left, click Voicemail
. Unread voicemails are in bold.
- Click a voicemail.
- Select an option:
- Read the voicemail transcript.
- To listen to the voicemail, click Play
Tip: If a voicemail does not appear, check if it got marked as spam. At the top left, click Menu 
Turn Voicemail transcripts on or off
Important: This feature operates differently based on the type of account you have. Learn more about Google Voice account types.
- Go to
- At the top right, click Settings
- On the left, click Voicemail.
- Turn Voicemail transcripts on or off.
Learn about supported languages for voicemail transcripts
Several factors determine the language used to transcribe voicemails in Google Voice and other Google products. You can select a preferred language.
For work or school accounts, Google Voice for Google Workspace transcribes voicemails into these languages:
- English
- Danish
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Portuguese
- Spanish