Reporting Issues
- Internet Explorer bug causes incorrect display of exported data
- Known issues with identifying browsers/user agents
- What does 'Session Error: unable to call application. (4002)...' mean?
- Why Do Top Files and Top Pages Report Different Numbers for the Same Page?
- Why are my Urchin 3 Visitor (Session) counts different than my Urchin 4 Session counts?
- Why can't I see the 'Visitors and Sessions' report?
- Why do I see 'Other' in my reports?
- Why does Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider show up in the Browsers report?
- Why does Urchin 4 report a higher than expected number of Netscape browsers?
- Why does Urchin report different report values than other software?
- Why does my browser time-out when I view my reports?
- Why does the Unique Visitors report show zero statistics?
- Why is the Average Length of Session so long on my UTM-tracked site?
- Why is the Visitors and Sessions report blank?