This error can occur when upgrading from one version of Urchin 5 to another. The problem arises when Urchin is unable to cleanly remove the previous installation, which causes the 1714 error to be generated by the Microsoft Installer Engine.
The cause for such failures are typically system dependent, and are beyond the control of the Urchin 5 installer. The reasons behind the failure can be complex, and are outside the scope of this article. Because there is no way to force the new version to overwrite the old one in such a case, the best approach to fixing this is to download Microsoft's Windows Installer Cleanup Utility, which will allow you to manually select the old Urchin 5 installation and completely remove it. The cleanup utility for Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows NT can be downloaded from Microsoft's Support Site. On the Microsoft Support home page, just do a Knowledgebase search for Windows Installer Cleanup Utility.
See the related document in the Installing Urchin area of the Urchin FAQs titled "How do I remove Apache and Urchin Scheduler services from Windows 2000?"