When Urchin reports are exported in Microsoft Word or Excel formats, the graphical bars and the Urchin logo are actually links to images on the webserver that delivered the Urchin reports. If you save the exported report as a Word document or Excel spreadsheet, the images themselves are not saved in the document; only the link references are saved.
If the document or spreadsheet is then saved and distributed to others who do not have access to the same webserver to which the image links, the recipient will not see any of the graph images or the Urchin logo in that document since the links are not resolvable.
The solution to this issue is to break the links inside the exported document before saving it, thus forcing the images to be loaded directly into the document. This can be done using the following procedures:
Microsoft Word
- Export the desired Urchin report to Microsoft Word by clicking on the Word icon at the top of the report. This will launch Word on your computer with your report as the contents of the document.
- Navigate to Edit->Links in the Word menu. This will bring up a Links dialog box.
- Highlight all the listed links in the window and click the Break Link button. This causes all the images to be loaded directly into the document.
- Navigate to File->SaveAs and enter the desired File name, with Save as type of Word Document (*.doc)
- The saved document will contain all the required images and should load properly in Word regardless of whether the computer has access to the original webserver or not.
Microsoft Excel
There are currently no known workarounds for Excel, as the embedded links do not appear to be able to be broken using the same methodology available in Word.