
Urchin WebAnalytics Software is discontinued and is no longer supported. All Urchin documentation applies only to the Urchin product as it was at the time of discontinuation, and does not apply to any Google Analytics products or services.

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Regular Field List


When a hit or entry in a log file is read during processing, the hit is broken down into 'Raw Fields'. Fields are generally separated by spaces, tabs, or commas. The Log Format determines how these Raw Fields are assigned internally. Once the Raw Fields are read, Urchin calculates a number of 'Auto Fields' based on the 'Raw Fields'. Most reports use these Auto Fields for updating.

Filters can be applied to either Raw or Auto Fields. The following table lists all available Fields and their purpose.

Regular Field List

1iis_date(RAW)IIS raw date of hit field.
2iis_time(RAW)IIS raw time of hit field.
3apache_time(RAW)Apache raw date & time of hit field.
4c_ip(RAW)Client IP Address.
5cs_username(RAW)Client username (if any)
6cs_request(RAW)Apache raw entire request field.
7cs_method(RAW)IIS raw request method field.
8cs_uristem(RAW)IIS raw request stem field.
9cs_uriquery(RAW)IIS raw request query field.
10sc_status(RAW)Return status code from server.
11sc_bytes(RAW)Number of bytes transferred for request.
12c_host(RAW)Client hostname (converts to c_ip if necessary).
13cs_useragent(RAW)Browser user-agent information.
14cs_cookie(RAW)Cookies sent by browser.
15cs_referer(RAW)Raw Referral information (could be internal).
16custom_date(RAW)Used for datestamp in Custom Logs.
17custom_time(RAW)Used for timestamp in Custom Logs.
19cs_host(RAW)Requested virtualhost by Client.
20s_port(RAW)Server port number.
21cs_version(RAW)IIS Raw HTTP version.
22s_sitename(RAW)IIS Server site name.
23s_computername(RAW)IIS Computer name.
24s_ip(RAW)IIS Server IP address.
25elf_orderid(RAW)E-commerce order id number.
26elf_store(RAW)E-commerce store name.
27elf_sessionid(RAW)E-commerce session id.
28elf_total(RAW)E-commerce transaction amount.
29elf_tax(RAW)E-commerce tax amount.
30elf_shipping(RAW)E-commerce shipping amount.
31elf_billcity(RAW)E-commerce customer city.
32elf_billstate(RAW)E-commerce customer state.
33elf_billzip(RAW)E-commerce customer zip code.
34elf_billcountry(RAW)E-commerce customer country.
35elf_productcode(RAW)E-commerce product code.
36elf_productname(RAW)E-commerce product name.
37elf_variation(RAW)E-commerce product variation.
38elf_price(RAW)E-commerce product price.
39elf_quantity(RAW)E-commerce product quantity.
40elf_upsold(RAW)E-commerce upsold variable.
76referral_protocol(AUTO)Referral protocol (http/https/etc.)
77referral_host(AUTO)Referral complete hostname.
78referral_domain(AUTO)Referral domain name.
79referral_port(AUTO)Referral port number (if any).
80referral_url(AUTO)Referral complete URL. (includes host)
81referral_uri(AUTO)Referral complete URI. (no host)
82referral_stem(AUTO)Referral URI stem without query info.
83referral_query(AUTO)Referral Query info by itself.
84referral_anchor(AUTO)Referral information after # tag.
85referral_directory(AUTO)Referral directory up to filename.
86referral_filename(AUTO)Referral filename without directory.
87referral_mime(AUTO)Referral mime type (file extension)
88referral_keywords(AUTO)Referral search engine keywords
89referral_domainandstem(AUTO)Referral domain and URI stem together.
90referral_errordetail(AUTO)Referral error detail information.
91request_method(AUTO)Request method (GET/POST/etc.).
92request_url(AUTO)Request complete URL (if provided).
93request_version(AUTO)Request protocol version.
94request_protocol(AUTO)Request protocol (HTTP/etc.).
95request_host(AUTO)Request hostname (if any).
96request_port(AUTO)Request port number (if any).
97request_uri(AUTO)Request URI with query.
98request_stem(AUTO)Request URI without query.
99request_query(AUTO)Request query information (e.g., after ?)
100request_anchor(AUTO)Request information after # tag
101request_directory(AUTO)Request directory without filename.
102request_filename(AUTO)Request filename without directory.
103request_mime(AUTO)Request mime type (file extension).
104request_origfilepath(AUTO)Request original uri stem if UTM.
105request_origmime(AUTO)Request original mime type if UTM.
106request_errordetail(AUTO)Request detail for error hits.
107useragent_complete(AUTO)Complete user- agent.
108browser_base(AUTO)Browser name (e.g., Netscape).
109browser_version(AUTO)Browser version.
110platform_base(AUTO)Platform (e.g., Windows).
111platform_version(AUTO)Platform version.
112domain_primary(AUTO)First level domain. (e.g. com).
113domain_complete(AUTO)Complete domain. (e.g.
114sid(AUTO)Session id (if any).
115utm_cookiea(AUTO)UTM-2 cookie-a
116utm_cookieb(AUTO)UTM-2 cookie-b
117utm_cookiec(AUTO)UTM-2 cookie-c
119utm_cookie1(AUTO)UTM-1 cookie-1
120utm_cookie2(AUTO)UTM-2 cookie-2
121utm_cookie3(AUTO)UTM-3 cookie-3
122utm_unique_id(AUTO)UTM unique visitor id.
123utm_new_campaign(AUTO)new campaign variables detected
124utm_page(AUTO)UTM page variable (used for request_ variables).
125utm_referral(AUTO)UTM Referral (used for referral_ variables).
126utm_screen_resolution(AUTO)Screen resolution (e.g., 800x600).
127utm_screen_available(AUTO)Available screen resolution in pixels.
128utm_browser_size(AUTO)Browser size in pixels.
129utm_screen_colors(AUTO)Screen color bit depth.
130utm_language(AUTO)Browser language code setting.
131utm_java_enabled(AUTO)yes|no if java is enabled.
132utm_cookies_enabled(AUTO)yes|no if cookies are enabled.
133utm_timezone_offset(AUTO)+/-HHMM timezone offset value of browser.
134utm_js_version(AUTO)Javascript version info.
135utm_session_number(AUTO)Number of sessions for this visitor.
136utm_repeat_campaign(AUTO)Repeat campaign detected.
137utm_campaign(AUTO)same as utm_campaign in a link.
138utm_medium(AUTO)same as utm_medium in a link.
139utm_source(AUTO)same as utm_source in a link.
140utm_term(AUTO)same as utm_term in a link.
141utm_content(AUTO)same as utm_content in a link.
142utm_campaign_session(AUTO)session number of this campaign.
143utm_campaign_number(AUTO)Number of responses in __utmz.
144utm_campaign_time(AUTO)Time in seconds of the current campaign.
145elf_region(AUTO)E-Commerce region drilldown information.
146utm_campaign_srcmedium(AUTO)utm_campaign [utm_medium].
147utm_campaign_srcmedtrm(AUTO)utm_campaign [utm_medium] | utm_term.
148utm_campaign_sesdelta(AUTO)difference in current session number and campaign session number.
149utm_campaign_daysdelta(AUTO)difference in days between the hit viewtime and the campaign time.
150utm_campaign_hour(AUTO)hour of the day the campaign occurred.
151utm_campaign_goal(AUTO)campaign goal that was met.
152log_source_name(AUTO)Log source name in Log Source Wizard.
153utm_ipandvisitorid(AUTO)IP address or host - visitor key.
154utm_id(AUTO)same as utm_id in a link.
155utm_type(AUTO)used for email impressions.

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