
Urchin WebAnalytics Software is discontinued and is no longer supported. All Urchin documentation applies only to the Urchin product as it was at the time of discontinuation, and does not apply to any Google Analytics products or services.

How can I display the full URI including query terms in one report?

Beginning with Urchin 5 and later versions, query patterns are broken out of the 'Requested Pages' report and displayed in a special drill-down subreport located in 'Pages & Files-> Page Query Terms.' If you prefer to display the full page and query pattern in the 'Requested Pages' report, you can use the filter below to change the way this data is displayed.

NOTE: This will increase the processing time for any profile it is applied to. Also, because of the increase in unique page names, your database limit may be exceeded.

Create a new 'Profile Filter' with the following settings as shown in the below image:

  • Filter Type: Advanced
  • Filter A: request_stem (AUTO) - Extract A (.*)
  • Filter B: request_query (AUTO) - Extract B (.*)
  • Output to: request_stem (AUTO) - Constructor $A1/$B1
  • Override Output Field: 'Yes'
  • Required Fields: 'Both Fields'
  • Case Sensitive: 'No'

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