
Urchin WebAnalytics Software is discontinued and is no longer supported. All Urchin documentation applies only to the Urchin product as it was at the time of discontinuation, and does not apply to any Google Analytics products or services.

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Configuration Table and Directive List



The following matrices provide exact details on the table names, directives, and meanings for each database table in the Urchin 5 configuration. The first matrix defines each of the table names and what that table is used for. Then, for each database table, a comprehensive list of directives is provided.

Please note that most records will not specify a value for every possible directive for the table to which the record belongs. In some cases the directives may not be applicable to that particular record. Also, Urchin will use default values if there is no explicit definition for a directive. Directives may be manipulated by the web-based Urchin administration interface, or by scripts that use the uconf-driver or uconf-import utilities.

It should also be noted that this reference guide does not contain verbose descriptions of the directives and how they are to be used. In many cases, the intended usage of the directive may not be immediately obvious from the directive name and description provided. You should consult the appropriate sections in the Urchin Documentation Center at to gain more insight about the capabilities of the product (e.g. filtering, backups, archiving, report view customization, etc.) and how the capabilities can be controlled with the configuration directives detailed below.

Note: Where applicable, default values are printed in bold typeface.

Table Name Definitions

Table Name Meaning/Purpose
global General settings including licensing and remote access
machine Process settings including database sizing, memory usage and process priority
filter Specifies log and profile runtime filter parameters
logfile Specifies the location and format of a log source
profile Log Processing and Reporting settings for a particular website
task Runtime schedule settings for a particular profile
affiliation Enterprise-level management of profiles, log sources, filters, groups and users
group Group-level management of users including profile access
user Individual user settings including password, language and locality

Directive List: global table

Directive Meaning/Purpose
cr_dcmode datacenter mode (on|off)
cr_directlink allow direct web links to Urchin reports (on|off)
cr_remoteaccess allow remote access (on|off)
cr_remoteadmin allow remote administration (on|off)
cs_region two-letter global region code
  nz=New Zealand
  us=United States
  uk=United Kingdom
ct_license license code used by Urchin Licensing
ct_name identifier for record in global table
ct_port port that Apache runs on (default: 9999)
ct_serial serial code used by Urchin Licensing
ct_schedulers [internal use only]
cr_setupwizard run setup wizard first time (on|off)
ct_var VAR code used by Urchin licensing
ct_schedulersleep length of time in seconds that the scheduler waits before checking for the next task (default: 3)

Directive List: machine table

Directive Meaning/Purpose
cr_priority run priority of Urchin log processing engine (low|normal|high)
cs_preset [internal use only]
cs_limitdbtable maximum number of records allowed in database tables (default: 10000)
ct_dbuffsize data buffer size in MB (default: 13)
ct_pbuffsize path buffer size in MB (default: 1)
ct_name identifier for record in machine table
ct_sbuffsize session buffer size in MB (default: 3)
ct_tbuffsize text buffer size in MB (default: 1)
ct_vbuffsize visitor buffer size in MB (default:2)

Directive List: filter table

Unless otherwise noted, directives in this table apply to all filter types.

Directive Meaning/Purpose
cr_action [internal use only]
cr_casesensitive filter is case sensitive (yes|no)
applies to advanced|exclude|include|replace filter types
cr_filtertype type of filter:
  advanced=Advanced filter built from two other fields
  decode=Decode URL-encoded characters back to their original form
  dynamicurl=DynamicURL filter from Urchin 3 and Urchin 4 (deprecated)
  exclude=Exclude pattern filter
  include=Include pattern filter
  jaconv=Convert various Japanese encodings into UTF-8 encoding
  replace=Pattern search and replace filter
cr_override overwrite data in the output field if it is already populated (yes|no)
applies to advanced filter type
cs_filterfield ID number of field to apply filter to, from the Regular Field List reference table
applies to decode|exclude|include|jaconv|replace filter types
cs_infielda ID number of first field to apply filter to, from the Regular Field List reference table
applies to advanced filter type
cs_infieldb ID number of second field to apply filter to, from the Regular Field List reference table
applies to advanced filter type
cs_outfield ID number of the field to ouput filter results to, from the Regular Field List reference table
applies to advanced filter type
cs_llist exclamation-point delimited list of log source recnums to which this filter is applied (uconf-driver)
  comma delimited list of log source names to which this filter is applied (uconf-import)
cs_rlist exclamation-point delimited list of profile recnums to which this filter is applied (uconf-driver)
  comma delimited list of profile names to which this filter is applied (uconf-driver)
ct_affiliation optional affiliation
ct_filter filter pattern (simple pattern or POSIX regular expression)
applies to include|exclude filter types
ct_inexpa regular expression pattern for first filter
applies to advanced filter type
ct_inexpb regular expression pattern for second filter
applies to advanced filter type
ct_name identifier for record in filter table
ct_outexp expression defined explicitly or constructed from saved pattern parts of input expressions, e.g.($A1, $B2)
applies to advanced filter type
ct_replace replacement string pattern
applies to replace filter type
ct_search search string pattern
applies to replace filter type

Directive List: logfile table


Directive Meaning/Purpose
cr_action [internal use only]
cr_logdestiny disposition of log after processing (1=don't touch, 2=archive/compress, 3=delete)
cr_protocol remote log transfer protocol (ftp|http)
cr_type location of log (local|remote)
cr_uristemtolower convert the URI stem to lower case when reading log (on|off)
cs_flist exclamation-point delimited list of filter recnums which are applied to this log source (uconf-driver)
  comma delimited list of filter names which are applied to this log source (uconf- import)
cs_logformat logging format for logfile (auto|elf|elf2|ncsa|netscape|w3c)
cs_rlist exclamation-point delimited list of profile recnums using this log source (uconf-driver)
  comma delimited list of profile names using this log source (uconf-import)
ct_affiliation optional affiliation
ct_loglocation local log pathname/location (e.g. /logs/access.log)
ct_name identifier for record in logfile table
ct_password password for ftp/http remote log access and UNC pathnames in Windows environments
ct_pathtimeoffset offset in hours from local time when using date matching patterns in the logfile specification (e.g. +8)
ct_pathtimegmt substitute GMT time for local time when using date matching patterns in the logfile specification (on|off)
ct_port port number (e.g. 21 for ftp, 80 for http)
ct_querytoken specify the query token separating the URI stem from the query (default: ? )
ct_remotelocation remote log pathname/location
ct_separator single character field separator character (\s, \t are escaped characters for space and tab)
ct_server fully qualified domain name or IP address of remote host/server for remote log downloads
ct_username username to use for ftp/http remote log access and UNC pathnames in Windows environments (default: anonymous)

Directive List: profile table

Directive Meaning/Purpose
cr_archivedata enable automatic ZIP archiving of older Urchin monthly databases (on|off)
cr_autorollback enable automatic rollback of Urchin databases after failed log processing (on|off)
cr_cleanbackups enable automatic removal of outdated Urchin database ZIP backups (on|off)
cr_createbackups enable automatic creation of Urchin database ZIP backups to allow rollback functionality (on|off)
cr_includemimes specify whether ct_mimes list of pageview suffix/MIME types should be an include or exclude list (exclude|include)
cr_includeparameters specify whether ct_parameters list of URI query terms types should be an include or exclude list (exclude|include)
cr_keeprawtrackingdata specify whether raw tracking data should be retained (on|off)
cr_logtracking turn log tracking (on|off)
cr_pgoalcasesensitive campaign primary goal match case sensitive (yes|no)
cr_processpath turn visitor tracking (on|off)
cr_processvisitors specify whether to keep visitor information between log processing runs (on|off)
cr_profiletype profile type (Standard_Website|E-Commerce_Website)
cr_sessionpageview session requires a pageview (on|off)
cs_archivenmonths create monthly ZIP archives of Urchin databases after n months (default: 12)
cs_flist exclamation-point delimited list of filter recnums applied to this profile (uconf-driver)
  comma delimited list of filter names applied to this profile (uconf-driver)
cs_glist exclamation-point delimited. list of group recnums granted access to this profile (uconf-driver)
  comma delimited. list of group names granted access to this profile
cs_keepnbackups specify number of ZIP backups to keep (0-10, default: 2)
cs_limitdbtable maximum number of database records to keep for any database table for this profile (overrides cs_limitdbtable global value; default: 10000)
cs_llist exclamation-point delimited. list of log source recnums associated with this profile (uconf-driver)
  comma delimited. list of log source names associated with this profile (uconf-import)
cs_pathlevel depth of path reporting (default: 3)
cs_pgoalfield internal numeric id of field in ct_pgoalfield
cs_referrallevel referral level to report (default: 3)
cs_reportset report view template for this profile specified as one of the six built-in templates:
Basic All|Basic Lite|Basic IT
UTM-Enabled All|UTM-Enabled Nopaths|UTM-Enabled Webdesign
or a User-Specified reporting template that matches a custom ".rs" reporting template file
cs_sidfield ID number for field where session ID is contained, from the Regular Field List reference table
cs_taskid recnum for associated task in Task table (uconf-driver only)
cs_timeoffset Time offset (in seconds) for data in log (default: 0=GMT)
cs_ulist exclamation-point delimited list of user recnums granted access to this profile (uconf-driver)
  comma delimited list of user names granted access to this profile (uconf-import)
cs_vmethod visitor tracking (0=IP-UserAgent, 1=Session ID, 2=UTM, 3=IP-Only)
cs_visitortimeout session timeout in seconds (default: 3600)
ct_affiliation optional affiliation
ct_defaultpage default page for site (e.g. index.html)
ct_downloads comma separated list of download page suffix/MIME-types to match
(default: dmg,doc,exe,gz,pdf,pkg,ppt,sh,tar,xls,zip)
ct_keywords comma separated list of search engine referral keywords to match
(default: general,key,kw,mt,p,q,qs,qt,query,search,search_string,text,word,words)
ct_lasthit time of most recent hit processed for this profile in seconds since 1970 [read-only, set by log processing engine]
ct_mimes comma separated list of pageview suffixes/MIME types to match or exclude
(default: css,cur,gif,ico,ida,jpeg,jpg,js,png)
ct_name identifier for record in profile table
ct_parameters comma separated list of URI query terms to include or exclude in the Page Query Terms report (default: sid)
ct_pgoalexp campaign primary goal expression to match
ct_pgoalfield field name to match expression in ct_pgoalexp against
ct_reportdomains comma delimited list of site domains (e.g.,,,
ct_sidpre text pattern that precedes session id pattern being matched
ct_sidpost text pattern that terminates the session id pattern being matched
ct_utmdomain domain named to be used for UTM tracking (must match that set in __utm.js file in the document root of the website itself)
ct_website URL for website associated with this profile (e.g.

Directive List: task table

Directive Meaning/Purpose
cd_btime start time of last run for this task in seconds since 1970 [read-only, set by log processing engine]
cd_etime finish time of last run for this task in seconds since 1970 [read-only, set by log processing engine]
cd_lastrun time of last initiation for this task in seconds since 1970 [read-only, set by log processing engine]
cd_nextrun time of next run for this task in seconds since 1970
cr_dow day of week to run task (0=Sun,1=Mon,2=Tue,3=Wed,4=Thu,5=Fri,6=Sat)
cr_enabled [internal use only]
cr_frequency task frequency (0=never,3=once,4=hourly,5=daily,6=weekly,7=monthly)
cr_runnow [internal use only]
cs_dom day of month to run task (monthly scheduling option) [1-31]
cs_hour hour of day to run task [0-23]
cs_minute minute of hour to run task [0-59]
cs_rid recnum for associated profile in Profile table (uconf-driver only)
ct_affiliation optional affiliation
ct_application [internal use only]
ct_completed percent of log processing completed [read-only, set by log processing engine]
ct_day day of month to run task (run-once option)[1-31]
ct_lockid [internal use only]
ct_month month to run task (run-once option)[1-12]
ct_pid [internal use only]
ct_name identifier for record in task table
ct_runstatus current runtime status of task (0=processing logs,1=processing DNS,2=completed,3=error,4=queued)
[read-only, set by log processing engine]
ct_status current scheduling status of task (0=disabled,1=not scheduled,2=scheduled,3=running,4=completed,5=error)
[read-only, set by log processing engine]
ct_year year for task to run (run-once option) [4-digit CCYY format]

Directive List: affiliation table

Directive Meaning/Purpose
ct_browselocation pathname specification for top-level directory allowed for browsing for logs in Log Source
ct_cachedirectory pathname specification of directory used to store temporary cache files used in display of reports for an affiliation
ct_contact descriptive name for the affiliation's contact person
ct_email email address for affiliation's contact person
ct_name identifier for record in affiliation table
ct_reportdirectory pathname specification for top-level directory where Urchin reporting databases will live for the affiliation

Directive List: user table

cr_changelanguage user may change language preference (no|yes)
cr_changepassword user may change password (no|yes)
cr_changeregion user may change region preference (no|yes)
cr_leveltype affiliation admin privilege level
  0=manage users/groups/tasks
  1=manage users/groups/tasks/filters
  2=manage users/groups/tasks/filters/log sources/profiles
cs_adminlevel admin level (1=admin, 2=affiliate admin, 3=user)
cs_glist exclamation-delimited list of group recnums the user belongs to (uconf-driver)
  comma delimited list of group names the user belongs to (uconf-import)
cs_language two-letter report language code for user
cs_region two-letter region code for user
  us=United States
  nz=New Zealand
  uk=United Kingdom
cs_rlist exclamation-point delimited list of profile recnums the user has access to (uconf-import)
  comma-delimited list of profile names the user has access to (uconf-import)
cs_rslist exclamation-point delimited set of "recnum|ReportSetName" pairs that optionally controls the report view for this user for a particular report
(e.g. !79|Basic_All!83|Basic_Lite!)
ct_affiliation optional affiliation for user
ct_fullname full name of user
ct_name identifier for record in user table
ct_password user password (automatically encrypted on input by uconf-driver or uconf-import)

Directive List: group table

cs_rlist exclamation-point delimited list of profile recnums the group has access to (uconf-driver)
  comma-delimited list of profile names the group has access to (uconf-import)
cs_rslist exclamation-point delimited set of "recnum|ReportSetName" pairs that optionally controls the report view for this group for a particular report
(e.g. !79|Basic_All!83|Basic_Lite!)
cs_ulist exlamation-point delimited list of user recnums assigned to the group (uconf-driver)
  comma-delimited list of user names assigned to the group (uconf-import)
ct_affiliation optional affiliation
ct_groupdesc description of the group
ct_name identifier for record in group table


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