Urchin accomodates cobranding in the administration interface, the reporting interface, and, beginning with Urchin 5.6, the login screen. There are two files to edit in order to include HTML at the top of the interface (three files with version 5.6). If a complete portal integration is being done, then the Urchin reporting can be delivered within a frameset or table by your application server. (Please see the article on Portal Integration in the Integration Section.) Otherwise, follow the instructions below to cobrand your interface.
Please note that your license agreement may prohibit obscuring or changing the Urchin Logo and Reports, beyond what is provided in this article.
Cobranding Instructions
To cobrand your interface, you will need to edit the following files located in the Urchin installation:
[urchin install dir]/lib/custom/cobrands/cobrand_admin.tpl [urchin install dir]/lib/custom/cobrands/cobrand_report.tpl [urchin install dir]/lib/custom/cobrands/cobrand_session.tpl (version 5.6 only)The first file controls the cobranding on the admin interface and the second controls the cobranding on the reporting interface. The third file, available beginning with version 5.6, controls the cobranding on the login screen. Add HTML content to these files as necessary to include your branding. The HTML provided in these files will be placed on top of the Urchin interface as shown in the example below.