
Urchin WebAnalytics Software is discontinued and is no longer supported. All Urchin documentation applies only to the Urchin product as it was at the time of discontinuation, and does not apply to any Google Analytics products or services.

Quickstart Installation Guide


Installing Urchin 4 has been greatly simplified for all supported platforms, and generally can be completed in a few minutes on any of the supported system types. Please see specific instructions below for your appropriate platform. Please note that the Quickstart instructions are targeted towards first time installers of Urchin. If you have an existing installation please be sure to read the Upgrades section for complete details on issues that might affect you.

For all installations, when the install is complete, you will need to login to the Urchin administration interface to do configuration. The initial username and password are:

Username: admin
Password: urchin

Please reset the password during your initial configuration in the Setup Wizard.

Installing on Windows Systems

  • Go to and click the Download link.
  • Download the Urchin for Windows installer to your desktop.
  • Once the download has completed, double-click the installer file to start the InstallShield wizard.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions. The defaults should be acceptable for most installations.
  • Once the installer has completed, go to Start -> Programs -> Urchin -> Urchin Administration and login. You will be presented with a Setup Wizard. Follow the instructions to complete your initial configuration. Please make sure to reset the password for the admin account and to record this password somewhere for safekeeping.
  • When the Setup Wizard has completed you'll be taken to the Profile configuration screen. Click Add to create a new Profile.
  • Once you have created the appropriate Profiles, you're ready to start processing logs so that you can view Report data for your sites. To access the administration interface remotely or for users to see their individual reports, use the URL http://yourhost:9999, where yourhost should be replaced by the name of the system where Urchin is installed.

Installing on UNIX-type Systems

  • Go to and click the Download link.
  • Select the installer that most closely matches your platform. The name of the installer will include the Urchin version and the operating system type (e.g.
  • If necessary, upload the installer to a temporary location on the system on which you are installing Urchin.
  • If you are not on the console, telnet (or use ssh if available) to the system and cd to the directory where the installer is located.
  • From the command line type in the name of the installer. For example:


    This will unpack several files that comprise the installation kit.

  • From the command line execute the main installation script by typing :


  • The script will prompt you for input as needed; just follow the instructions.
  • Once the installer is complete, you will be given the URL to access the Urchin administration interface, as well as the default admin password.
  • Copy/paste the URL into a browser window, and enter the admin username and password to start configuring Urchin.
  • You will be presented with a Setup Wizard. Follow the instructions to complete your initial configuration. Please make sure to reset the password for the admin account and to record this password somewhere for safekeeping.
  • When the Setup Wizard has completed you'll be taken to the Profile configuration screen. Click Add to create a new Profile.
  • Once you have created the appropriate Profiles, you're ready to start processing logs so that you can view Report data for your sites. To access the administration interface remotely or for users to see their individual reports, use the URL http://yourhost:9999, where yourhost should be replaced by the name of the system where Urchin is installed.

Installing on Mac OS X 10.2.x Systems

  • Go to and click the Download link
  • Download the Urchin installation archive for Mac OS X 10.2.x
  • Double-click the installation archive icon which will unpack the archive, mount the disk image inside, and open the volume in the Finder
  • Double-click the Urchin4.mpkg file, which will launch an interactive installation process. It's required that you are using an account with administration privileges to install.
  • At the end of the installation a browser will launch and take you to the Urchin administration screen. Once you login you will be presented with a Setup Wizard. Follow the instructions to complete your initial configuration. Please make sure to reset the password for the admin account and to record this password somewhere for safekeeping.
  • When the Setup Wizard has completed you'll be taken to the Profile configuration screen. Click Add to create a new Profile.
  • Once you have created the appropriate Profiles, you're ready to start processing logs so that you can view Report data for your sites. To access the administration interface remotely or for users to see their individual reports, use the URL http://yourhost:9999, where yourhost should be replaced by the name of the system where Urchin is installed.

Installing on Sun Cobalt Systems

  • Use a web browser from your desktop system to connect to
  • On the download page select the installer that most closely matches your platform. The name of the installer will include the Urchin version and the Sun Cobalt system type. For example:


  • Save the .pkg file to your desktop or to a temporary folder
  • Using your browser connect to the main Site Administrator's page for your Cobalt box
  • Navigate to the section of the interface for installing new third party software. The location of this area in the Cobalt interface will be platform specific:
    • Raq 3, RaQ 4 - click on Maintenance in the left hand frame, then click Install Software in the top row
    • Qube 3, RaQ 550 - click on the BlueLinQ tab, then click Third Party Software, then click the Install Manually button
    • XTR - click on the BlueLinQ tab, then click New Software, then click the Install Manually button
  • Prepare and launch the package installer:
    • RaQ 3, RaQ 4 - In the Software Package box select the Upload radio button, then click the Browse button to the right and navigate to the location on your desktop system where you saved the .pkg file you downloaded. Once you click the Open button in the browse window, the pkg filename will be entered into the Upload text box. Then click the "Install a pkg Package" button. When the installation is finished an Urchin 4 link will appear in the lower box for installed software.
    • Qube 3, XTR, RaQ 550 - In the Location box select the Upload radio button, then click the Browse button to the right and navigate to the location on your desktop system where you saved the .pkg file you downloaded. Once you click the Open button in the browse window, the pkg filename will be entered into the Upload text box. Then click the Prepare button. Once the package has been prepared, an Install Software window will appear. In this window click the Install button. When the installation is finished Urchin 4 will be listed under the Programs tab.
  • Click on the Urchin 4 link in your Cobalt administration interface and the Urchin admininstration login window will appear. Enter the admin username and password to start configuring Urchin.
  • At the initial login you will be presented with the Setup Wizard. Follow the instructions to complete your initial configuration. Please make sure to reset the password for the admin account and to record this password somewhere for safekeeping.
  • When the Setup Wizard has completed you'll be taken to the Profile configuration screen. Click Add to create a new Profile.
  • Once you have created the appropriate Profiles, you're ready to start processing logs so that you can view Report data for your sites. To access the administration interface remotely or for users to see their individual reports, use the URL http://yourhost:9999, where yourhost should be replaced by the name of the system where Urchin is installed.

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