It is critical to set up your server software's logging
properly in order
for Urchin to work correctly
and produce
full reporting. This article explains the process for the
most common
Apache and Microsoft IIS. For
maximum reporting depth, it is important to enable logging
to include Referral and User Agent information. To enable
unique visitor reporting, it is
necessary to enable
cookies as well.
Configuring Apache or Microsoft IIS to properly log for Urchin
Note: Apache uses an
NCSA-type log
format. By default, Apache generally logs in "common" log
optimal reporting, Urchin requires the "combined" log format
cookies enabled.
- Decide if you are going to use cookies and the Urchin
Tracking Module
or IP-based visitor tracking. UTM-based tracking is the only way to get true unique visitor reporting. - Use "vi" or other text editor to open your httpd.conf file.
- Locate the LogFormat entry or entries.
- Comment out the existing LogFormat (if any) by inserting
a # in
front of any lines
that do not have them already. This deactivates those lines. - Insert one of these lines, depending on whether you
wish to use the
Urchin Traffic Monitor (UTM)
or not. Be sure that the line is entered into your configuration file as a single line, without carriage returns:Non-UTM (IP or IP+UserAgent tracking)
LogFormat "%l 135594252 t \"r\" >s b \"{Referer}i\" \"{User-Agent}i\"" special
Urchin Traffic Monitor (UTM):
LogFormat "%v 135594252 t \"r\" >s b \"{Referer}i\" \"{User-Agent}i\" \"{Cookie}i\"" special
- Examine the <VirtualHost> entry you wish to
enable this logging
Insert a # in
front of any existing TransferLog or CustomLog entries to deactivate it/them,
and insert the following (editing the pathname appropriately for your environment):CustomLog /www/serverlogs/www.urchin.com_cookie_log special
Note the "special" text at the end of the line. This is the name of this particular CustomLog,
as specified in the LogFormat entry above. You can name your log format anything you
like; "special" is a common choice for non-standard formats. - Write/quit the edit of httpd.conf.
- IMPORTANT: run this program to check your syntax:
apachectl configtest
You should get syntax ok. If not, check the httpd.conf file and fix any errors.
- Restart Apache. The preferred method is with this
script (included
with Apache):
apachectl restart
- Check the logging. Open a browser and hit the site in
question a few
times. Examine the log file
(as specified in #6 above.) You should see a several hits being written to the log. For standard
"combined" log format, a log line will look similar to this: www.urchin.com - [28/Aug/2002:15:11:01 -0700] "GET /images/urchin_header_logo.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 3017 "http://www.urchin.com/" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
If you have configured the UTM on the site, a log line will look similar to this
(note the additional cookie field with the embedded UTM information): www.urchin.com - [28/Aug/2002:15:11:01 - 0700] "GET /images/urchin_header_logo.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 3017 "http://www.urchin.com/" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)" "__utm1= 459278579.1030573053; __utm2=1030573053; __utm3=1030573053"
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS):
Note: Microsoft IIS uses a W3C logging format.
Urchin can provide very basic reporting if your log files have, at the very least, the following fields:
- Date
- Time
- C-IP
- CS-URI-Stem
- SC-Status
- SC-Bytes
may contain erroneous information. However, this minimal logging does not provide enough information
for Referral and Browser reporting. Please refer to the following session to set up logging properly.
Setting IIS logging properties
IIS logging properties are configured either separately for
each domain on the server, or globally.
For servers with more than a few
domains, the global
option is recommended.
The following steps will ensure that the required log file
fields are
being recorded. If you elect to
log additional fields,
Urchin will just
ignore them at processing time. However,
logging unneeded
fields will increase the size of your log
files so it is
best to only log the fields needed by
- Open your IIS manager.
Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Services Manager.
- Expand the server tree to display all domains.
- Right click and select properties for the domain in question.
- Select the Web Site tab in the Properties Window.
- Select Enable Logging and change the Active log format
pulldown menu to
display W3C Extended Log File Format. - Click on the Properties button next to the Active Log Format window.
- Select the Extended Properties tab.
- Place a check mark next to the Date and Time fields
- In the Extended Properties area, check the following
Client IP Address [ c-ip ]
User Name [ cs-username ]
Method [ cs-method ]
URI Stem [ cs-uri-stem ]
URI Query [ cs-uri-query ]
Protocol Status [ sc-status ]
Bytes Sent [ sc-bytes ]
User Agent [ cs[User-Agent] ]
Referer [ cs[Referer] ]
Cookie [ cs[Cookie] ] (This field only required for UTM tracking)
- IMPORTANT: You should disable Process Accounting as it provides no useful information for Urchin and may cause log parsing problems.
- Select Apply and OK on each window to save your settings. It is not necessary to restart IIS.
- Your logs will immediately begin logging according to the new settings.