
Urchin WebAnalytics Software is discontinued and is no longer supported. All Urchin documentation applies only to the Urchin product as it was at the time of discontinuation, and does not apply to any Google Analytics products or services.

Installation Guide (Mac OS X 10.2.x)


These installation notes pertain to systems running a minimum of Mac OS X 10.2. For older Mac OS X versions please see the general instructions for UNIX-type installations.

The Mac OS X 10.2 installer is a point-and-click package style installer that is downloaded in the form of a Stuffit archive. The basic components of the Urchin 4 installation process are:

  • Download the Urchin installation archive
  • Double-click the installation archive icon which will unpack the archive, mount the disk image inside, and open the volume in the Finder
  • Double-click the Urchin4.mpkg file, which will launch an interactive installation process

The installer will install 3 distinct parts:

  • Urchin binaries, utilities, and support files, including an Apache webserver for administration and report delivery
  • Urchin StartupItems
  • Urchin Preference Pane

Installation Preparation

The Mac OS X installer requires Mac OS X 10.2 as a minimum OS rev. This is because certain libraries used to build this installer were updated in 10.2 and are not backwards compatible with older Mac OS X operating systems. Users of older Mac OS X systems need to use the Mac OS X 10.1.x shell archive installer.

An installing user must be able to authenticate using an account that has administrative privileges on the system since the installer will be installing files in restricted locations.

While installing a dialog will inquire about what disk you want to install on. Currently, it is required that you install on the Startup volume.

Installation and Upgrade Instructions

A new installation of Urchin 4 for Mac OS X 10.2 and an upgrade of an existing installation of Urchin 4 for Mac OS X 10.2 use the same procedure. The installer intelligently deals with each of these cases automatically with one exception: if you previously installed using a shell archive installer, and did not install in the default location of /usr/local/urchin4, then you should go to the Upgrades section of this online guide and review the Mac OS X 10.2 notes under Upgrading Urchin 4.

Once the Stuffit archive is downloaded to your desktop and is double-clicked, it will uncompress a disk image and mount a volume which will cause a disk icon to appear on the desktop. A window will open showing the contents of the mounted volume. The contents will be as follows:

Packages folder

Double-click the Urchin4.mpkg icon and follow the instructions in the dialog boxes to complete your installation. The dialogs will prompt you

Initial Configuration Using the Administration Interface

The installer will start the Urchin webserver and Task Scheduler daemons and launch a browser to connect you to the Urchin administration interface. You will get a login screen. Use these initial login values:

Username: admin
Password: urchin

Upon initial login, the interface will take you to a License Urchin wizard.

Note: If you have Safari configured as your default browser, then you will have to exit and launch an alternative browser at this point. Currently, due to some behavioral nuances of Safari, you cannot license Urchin 4 using this browser.

Click on "Obtain Demo License". The interface will connect to the licensing server at the Urchin Software Corporation website and walk you through the process. When finished with the license process, you will be returned to the Urchin 4 administration interface where you will be led through a Setup wizard that will set some required initial configuration parameters. At any time in the future you can connect to your Urchin 4 administration interface by using the URL http://yourhost:9999, where yourhost is the DNS hostname for your system.

Managing Urchin 4 Services

The Urchin 4 services can be controlled or monitored by launching the System Preferences and clicking the Urchin icon.

User Access to Reports

For users to see their individual reports, they should use the URL http://yourhost:9999, where yourhost should be replaced by the name of the system where Urchin is installed.

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