
Urchin WebAnalytics Software is discontinued and is no longer supported. All Urchin documentation applies only to the Urchin product as it was at the time of discontinuation, and does not apply to any Google Analytics products or services.

Why isn't Urchin tracking my goals?

Why isn't Urchin tracking my goals?

There are a number of reasons why goals may not appear to be being tracked in your reports. Below is a list of the most common issues.

  • You are using an exact match for a goal.
    • If you are using an exact match for a goal (i.e., any trailing spaces will cause the goal to be invalid. If you are using partial matching (i.e. ^/page.html), trailing spaces are not an issue. When setting your Goals, it's ideal to only include the stem of the URL as your goal. For example, if your goal is, enter /1/thanks\.html as your goal.

      Tip: when you're entering the stem of a URL (any URL without the http://), Urchin treats it as a regular expression. You'll need to escape periods or other wildcards with a backslash (\).

  • The Goal page is not tagged with UTM.
    • If the Goal page is not tagged with UTM, Urchin will not track this page and as a result will not report goals.
  • Your Goal page is a download (ex. PDF).
    • Urchin will not track downloads as goals directly. Instead, you'll need to call the urchinTracker function when the download link is used. The name of the pageview that you specify as an argument to urchinTracker can then be used as a goal.
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