
Urchin WebAnalytics Software is discontinued and is no longer supported. All Urchin documentation applies only to the Urchin product as it was at the time of discontinuation, and does not apply to any Google Analytics products or services.

Who are my top referral sources?

Who are my top referral sources?

To find out what sites your visitors are coming from, refer to your Marketing Optimization > Visitor Segment Performance > Referring Source report. You'll be able to see the type of referral (organic search results, direct referrals, campaigns), the referring source, and the number of visits, conversion rate, and average value of each visit from specific referrers.

Click the Analysis Options button at the far left of any entry to view the data over time, to view to-date lifetime value, or to cross-segment this data. To compare two date ranges, click the Date Range Comparison icon on the blue Date Range title bar.

Each source is qualified by medium, in brackets, such as [referral]. The medium may be one that you specified in your referral links, or else will be one of the following:

  • [organic] indicates visitors referred by an unpaid search engine listing
  • [referral] indicates visitors referred by links which were not tagged with any campaign variables
  • [not set] indicates visitors referred by links which were tagged with campaign variables but for which the medium variable was not set.
  • (direct)[(none)] indicates visitors who typed the URL directly into their browser.

Visits is the number of visits referred by the source. P/Visit is pageviews divided by number of visits. G/Visit is number of goal conversions divided by number of visits. T/Visits is number of e-commerce transactions divided by number of visits. $/Visit is revenue (from e-commerce) or goal value divided by number of visits.

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