Date Range
Urchin's Date Range function allows you to view report data for any timeframe, from a single day to the entire period of time for which you have data, or any part thereof. You can click on a year, month, week, or day to select it, or enter a custom timeframe (such as March 3 to May 14th, 2002). You can also compare data for two date ranges. The date range (and comparison date range) that you have selected stays active until you change it or leave the reporting interface.
Using the Date Range Function
- Standard Date Range: To view data by a standard timeframe such as a day, week, month, or year, click the desired period on the Date Range calendar, and the report's data will change accordingly.
- Custom Date Range: Click the single calendar icon. A panel appears showing two calendars. Select the start date in the first calendar, and the end date in the second calendar, and click Apply Range. The data in the current report will change to reflect the Date Range you have selected.
- Comparison Date Range: Click the double calendar icon. A second calendar appears below the first calendar. Set the date range for your comparison period in this second calendar.
- If you are examining a low-traffic site, try looking at a longer timeframe to get more meaningful data.
- If you are interested in traffic trends over the life of your site (and the data exists), try analyzing a year or more worth of data -- Urchin will adjust the size of bar graph elements to accommodate the selection.