
Urchin WebAnalytics Software is discontinued and is no longer supported. All Urchin documentation applies only to the Urchin product as it was at the time of discontinuation, and does not apply to any Google Analytics products or services.

How can I make Urchin identify additional search engines in the Referral reports?

How can I make Urchin identify additional search engines in the Referral reports?

By default, Urchin tracks referrals from 20 search engines as listed in your UTM file. You can also configure Urchin to identify referrals from additional search engines by editing the UTM file as follows:

  1. Open your urchin.js file in a text editor.
  2. Scroll down to the following:


          //-- Auto/Organic Sources and Keywords
          var _uOsr=new Array();
          var _uOkw=new Array();
  1. You will see entries for search engines numbered 0-19. These are the search engines Urchin tracks by default. To add another search engine to the list, simply add a new entry which follows the format of the other entries. For example, this is how you would add an entry for a search engine "new":


          _uOsr[17]="voila"; _uOkw[17]="kw";
          _uOsr[18]="virgilio"; _uOkw[18]="qs";
          _uOsr[19]="teoma"; _uOkw[19]="q";
          _uOsr[20]="new"; _uOkw[20]="s";
  • The value for _uOsr should be the name of the search engine and the value for _uOkw should be the query variable which stores the keyword. For example, if someone searched for "motorcycle" and the search result URL is:


  • the value for _uOkw will be "q". the value for _uOsr will be "google".

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