
Urchin WebAnalytics Software is discontinued and is no longer supported. All Urchin documentation applies only to the Urchin product as it was at the time of discontinuation, and does not apply to any Google Analytics products or services.

uconf-manager: Urchin Configuration Manager Utility

uconf-manager: Urchin Configuration Manager Utility


The Urchin Configuration Manager Utility (uconf-manager) allows you to add, edit and delete records in the following tables: uaccounts, ucosts, ufilters, ugoals, ugroups, ugroups_uusers, ulogs, ulogs_ufilters, uprofiles, uprofiles_ucosts, uprofiles_ufilters, uprofiles_ugroups, uprofiles_ulogs, uprofiles_uusers, and uusers. You can use it to perform actions that can't be accomplished via the Urchin Administration Interface. Examples include:

  • Urchin admin password reset
  • Automated user creation
  • Moving a user to a different account
  • Automated cost source creation

Note: The Urchin Configuration Manager Utility version 6.402 allows you to add, edit and delete user records only.


This utility is bundled with the Urchin (6.402+) installation and can be found in the /util directory.

uconf-manager.exe -h      :   Prints the help information.
uconf-manager.exe -v      :   Prints the version information.
uconf-manager.exe [app_params] [db_params]

where app_params are:

table=<table_name>    Name of the table to operate on. Currently ONLY the following tables
                      are supported:
                      uaccounts, ucosts, ufilters,
                      ugoals, ugroups, ugroups_uusers, ulogs, ulogs_ufilters, uprofiles,
                      uprofiles_ucosts, uprofiles_ufilters,
                      uprofiles_ugroups, uprofiles_ulogs, uprofiles_uusers, uusers
action=<action_name>  Operation type. 'add', 'delete' or 'update'.
print=<print_level>   Print level. 'quite', 'error', 'status' or 'all'.
key1=<column_name1>   [Optional]. Column name (key1) that will be used in WHERE clause
                      of 'update' query.
key2=<column_name2>   [Optional]. Column name (key2) that will be used in WHERE clause
                      of 'update' query.

and db_params are column name/value pairs:

<col1>=<value1> <col2>=<value2> ...

For example:

ucus_name="user11" ucus_password="passwd" uius_level=1


1. Create an admin user with the credentials "testuser" and "testpassword":

command: ./uconf-manager table=uusers action=add ucus_name="testuser" ucus_password="testpassword" uius_level=1 usac_id=1 print=status
output : Successful : Operation 'add' performed on table 'uusers'.

2. Update user with the login "testuser"; set the full name to "Test User" and make the account id=3:

command: ./uconf-manager table=uusers action=update ucus_name="testuser" ucus_ful_name="Test User" usac_id=3 key1=ucus_name print=status
output : Successful : Operation 'update' performed on table 'uusers'.

3. Remove user with the login "testuser":

command: ./uconf-manager table=uusers action=delete ucus_name="testuser" print=status
output : Successful : Operation 'delete' performed on table 'uusers'.

4. Create a CPC source with the name "cpc_name":

command: ./uconf-manager table=ucosts action=add ucco_name="cpc_name" ucco_adwords_loginName="" ucco_adwords_loginPassword="test_password" ucco_adwords_devToken="dev_token" ucco_adwords_appToken="app_token"
ucco_adwords_clientEmail="" print=status
output : Successful : Operation 'add' performed on table 'ucosts'
         Insert record id : 17.

Additional information about UUSERS table fields (Urchin 6.402+)

The following fields from the UUSERS table can be updated using uconf-manager:

  • usac_id* - Account id. Account must exist before creating the user. Default account "(NONE)" id=1;
  • ucus_name* - User login name - must be unique and not empty;
  • ucus_full_name - User full name;
  • ucus_password* - User password (preferably at least 8 characters long);
  • ucus_language - User language. Possible values: en-US, de-DE, es-ES, fr-FR, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, nl-NL, pt-BR, zh-CH, zh-TW (and more if custom languages are configured). Default value - en-US;
  • ucus_region - User regional setting. Possible values: us, au, de, br, cn, fr, it, jp, kr, nl, es, tw, uk. Default value: us;
  • uius_level* - User level. Possible values: 1 - Super admin, 4 - User, 8 - User-No Update, 16 - Account admin. (Caution: uconf-manager does't validate the value of this field)

Fields marked with * are required to add a new user.

Additional information about UCOSTS table fields (Urchin 6.500+)

The following fields from the UCOSTS table can be updated using uconf-manager:

  • usac_id* - Account id. Account must exist before creating the user. Default account "(NONE)" id=1;
  • ucco_name* - CPC Source name - must be unique and not empty;
  • uico_schedule_time - The CPC report download Time. Possible values: -1 (Global Defaults) and hour value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Default value: -1;
  • uico_schedule_download_interval - The CPC report download Interval
  • ubco_active - This option enables and disables the future downloads of the reports for this CPC source. Possible values: 1 – enabled; 0 – disabled. Default value: 1;
  • ucco_connection_string - Urchin encrypts and saves all CPC related connection values in this column. User should only modify this column by providing individual connection fields, which are:
    • ucco_adwords_loginName * - This is the email address of the advertiser or the MCC (My Client Center) login id (mandatory);
    • ucco_adwords_loginPassword * - This is the password for the Adwords Account being accessed (mandatory);
    • ucco_adwords_devToken - This is the unique string that identifies an authorized developer of the AdWords API (optional). If user doesn't provides the developer token, then urchin uses the default token;

    • ucco_adwords_appToken - This is the application token that will be used when accessing the AdWords API. If user has provided the developer token, then it is required to provide the application token as well;

    • ucco_adwords_clientEmail and ucco_adwords_customerId - If user is using MCC login in stead of advertiser's email, then either of these two fields (but not both) are required.

Fields marked with * are required to add a new user.

Additional information about UPROFILES_UCOSTS table fields (Urchin 6.500+)

The following fields from the UPROFILES_UCOSTS table can be updated using uconf-manager:

  • uspr_id* –Profile id. Profile must exist before assigning the CPC source - must be not empty;
  • usco_id* – CPC source id. CPC source must exist before assigning into the Profile - must be not empty.

Fields marked with * are required to add a new user.

Note: Field descriptions of other tables (uaccounts, ufilters, ugoals, ugroups, ugroups_uusers, ulogs, ulogs_ufilters, uprofiles, uprofiles_ufilters, uprofiles_ugroups, uprofiles_ulogs and uprofiles_uusers) will be available in a "Urchin configuration DB schema" article which is currently in development.

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