
Urchin WebAnalytics Software is discontinued and is no longer supported. All Urchin documentation applies only to the Urchin product as it was at the time of discontinuation, and does not apply to any Google Analytics products or services.

urchin: Urchin Log Processing

urchin: Urchin Log Processing


The Urchin Log Processing Engine, urchin, is the core log processing component of Urchin. Ordinarily, the log processing engine is invoked from the Urchin Scheduler (urchind) when a task is run. However, it is possible to execute urchin directly from a command shell to run a specific profile. This is useful in highly scripted environments where running Urchin tasks from an external source such as the Windows Task Scheduler or cron on UNIX-type systems. It is also useful for running a profile under special circumstances, such as to process only hits for a particular day, or to do some type of debugging.

Urchin is not truly an utility - it is documented here because it provides some limited command-line capabilities that may prove useful in certain environments.


urchin is located in the bin directory of the Urchin distribution. Usage is as follows:

urchin [options...] (-p <profile name> | -P <profile id>)


-a <account name>       Specifies the account name for the profile. Default account name is '(NONE)'
-D                      Enables debug mode
-d <YYYYMMDD>           Specifies the reprocess date
-H                      Specifies to log run output to history file. A new task history record is created if -H is specified and -T is not specified
-h                      Prints help information and exits
-P <profile id>         Specifies the profile id to process
-p <profile name>       Specifies the profile name to process
-T <task id>            Specifies the task history record to update. Specifying -T forces use of -H
-t                      Prints configuration data and exits
-v                      Prints version number and exits


  • On UNIX-type systems, urchin should be run as the user/UID that Urchin is installed as to ensure that the databases for the profile are owned by that UID, since urchin will create them if they do not already exist.
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