Brand Insights

Brand Insights Overview


A search for “rental cars in chicago” suggests a potential customer for many businesses, but a search for “acme rental cars in chicago” will be of special interest to that company. Knowing how, when, and where users are searching for your brand will help you better understand your presence in the marketplace and allow you to make smarter decisions on marketing and resource allocations.


Brand Insights is comprised of two dashboards: Brand Density and Brand Coverage.


Brand Density measures interest in your brand, represented by the number of weekly brand name searches per 10k internet users in a specified geo. So a Brand Density of 18 means that for every 10k internet users in the pre-defined geographic area, an average of eighteen searches per week were conducted that included your brand name. Brand Density does not include Google Ads or impressions.


Brand Coverage offers a broader, comparative analysis of brand interest by measuring Brand Density alongside Impression Coverage, Click Coverage, and yearly trends across defined geos. This allows for a deeper analysis of campaign effectiveness over time. Some definitions:

  • Impression Coverage: The percentage of your brand's queries (that had ads) where one of your ads was shown.
  • Click Coverage: The percentage of ad clicks on your brand's queries where the click was on your ad.

Using the Brand Density Dashboard

To begin using the Brand Density dashboard, select the time period you wish to examine using the Search Week Filter. The default range is the current calendar year.



You can define the period of weekly brand searches (the Brand Density number) using the Search Week filter. There are three ways in which to define the period:

  • Between” will allow you to select a date range, either entered manually or using a calendar picker. 
  • Greater than or equal to” will define a time span beginning with the date entered and through the most recent date available.
  • Previous days” allows you to manually enter the number of most recent days you wish to examine.

Data Info

The top right corner of the dashboard displays information about the current data, including how recently the data was updated and the period selected using the Search Week filter.
  • Because the data is extensively processed to eliminate redundancies, ensure high quality, and maintain privacy, the dataset usually lags by three days.
  • Brand Density is a weekly average, so the Current Period Coverage will begin with the first full week following the starting date selected in the Search Week filter (weeks begin Sundays).

The Filters

The right side of the Brand Density tool shows the current data and allows you to filter the time span and geo.


If you own more than one brand, you may use the Brand filter to switch between them.

Travel Category

The Travel Category filter will further refine your results by including the type of activity the user searched for. So if you were Acme Rentals and wished to measure interest in people looking to use your cars for camping trips, you would select the “Camping” travel category. This would include users conducting a search for “acme rentals near campgrounds” and other related searches. Only categories for which there is data are listed.

User Country

This filter selects the country or countries where the user was located when conducting the search. Choosing “Exclude” will enter a worldwide search, excluding any countries selected. Countries with internet populations less than 100k are aggregated together.

User City

This filter defines the city or cities where the search was conducted. Choosing “Exclude” will perform a worldwide search, excluding any cities selected. Cities with internet populations less than 20k are aggregated together.

Query Demand Summary


The Query Demand Summary allows you to compare your Brand Density across regions and time periods, as specified by the filters.

Queries Weekly Trend

The Queries Weekly Trend shows the weekly trend of Brand Density in the period specified by the filters, compared to one year, two years, and three years prior.

By Country

The By Country section of the Brand Density tool allows you to perform a comparative analysis of Brand Density across countries in selected time periods.

Brand Density Evolution Top Countries

The first two X-Y graphs show the Brand Density of the top 10 countries by Yo3Y and Yo2Y compared to YoY as defined by the filters. Countries farther to the right denote a greater recent increase. Countries higher up denote a greater past increase. The size of the bubble represents query volume.


In the illustration below, the user has selected the month of April in the Search Week filter. We see that in Colombia, the Brand Density in April (of this year) is much higher than it was during this period three years ago, but the level is the same as last year. In Canada, we see that the Brand Density in April is much higher than it was last year, but at the same level it was three years ago.

Brand Density Top Countries

This bar chart compares the Brand Density of the top 12 countries as defined by the filters over the same period in the one year, two years, and three years prior.

Brand Demand and Density by Country

This table shows the top 20 countries as defined by the filters, sortable by total queries, Brand Density, YoY, Yo2y, and Yo3Y.


By Cities

By Cities is similar to By Countries but shows data from the top cities within the countries selected in the filters.

Using the Brand Coverage Dashboard

Brand Density vs Performance over Time

The left vertical axis of this chart represents the Brand Density. The right vertical axis represents the Impression and Click Coverage percentage.

Brand Queries vs Performance over Time

The left vertical axis of this chart represents the total number of searches containing your brand. The right vertical axis represents the Impression and Click Coverage percentage.

Impression Coverage Evolution

Impression Coverage over time and prior period comparisons.

Click Coverage Evolution

Click Coverage over time and prior period comparisons.

By Country

Impression and Click Coverage Top Countries

These two charts compare growth in the top five countries by total number of queries included in the filters over the previous three years.

Brand Performance Top Countries

This table shows the top 20 countries for Brand Density, Click Coverage, and Impression Coverage as defined by the filters, and allows you to sort by Brand Density, number of queries, coverage, YoY, Yo2Y, and Yo3Y.

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