Destination Trends: Accommodations

Explore accommodation search trends on key destinations

The Destination Trends: Accommodations dashboard shows destination trends to identify traveler interest in hotels, B&B’s, hostels, and other accommodations over a configurable period spanning 12 weeks.

Trends are compared with period-over-period (PoP) demand, as well as with similar periods of time from 3 years ago (Yo3Y).

Accommodations partners use these insights to plan marketing strategies, adjust staffing needs, and set rates.

What types of accommodations interest people?

How long are people looking to stay?

Where are they traveling from?

Is demand growing or declining?


We measure market demand by analyzing accommodations searches on and categorizing them according to type, for example:

  • Hotel: “hotel near me”, “novotel New York", "hotel murah", “品川 プリンス ホテル”, ...
  • Vacation Rentals: “Airbnb Jakarta”, “cheap vacation rental”, ...
  • B & B: “bed and breakfast near me”, ...
  • Hostel: "Abrahams Hostels Dublin", …
  • Others: A small number of queries (<0.5%), the type of which cannot be inferred.
  • Domestic / Int'l: Whether the demand is within a country or between countries.

We gather other relevant information if available, including the user's travel route. You can filter results by origin and destination subcontinents, countries, and cities.

Using the Filters

The dashboard shows data about accommodations queries made on over four time periods: the last 1, 2, 4, or 12 weeks prior to the date indicated in the “End Day” field of the “Data Set Coverage Period” window. Because the data is heavily processed to ensure accuracy and anonymity, the data usually lags by three days.

Basic Filters

Use the basic filters to set the accommodation type and if the traveler is crossing a border.

Geo Filters

Use the Geo Filters to limit results to specified traveler origins and destinations. Multiple locations may be selected.

User Area

User areas are sales regions as defined by Google.

APAC: Asia-Pacific countries

Americas: North and South America

EMEA: Europe, the Middle East, and Africa

Unknown: Any countries that do not clearly fall within one of the three main regions


The world’s six inhabited main continental areas are broken into the following subcontinents:

Africa: Central Africa, East Africa, North Africa, Southern Africa, West Africa

Asia: East Asia, South East Asia, Western Asia

Oceania: Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, New Zealand, Polynesia

Europe: Eastern Europe, Western Europe

North America: Central America, Northern America

South America


Over 200 countries are included.


Regions are political boundaries defined as “Administrative Area 1” by the United Nations. What comprises a region will differ from country to country. In the United States, a region is a state, such as Massachusetts. In Canada, a region is a province. In Lithuania, a region is a county. In some cases, a region may also be a city.


Cities include major metropolitan areas.

Dashboard sections

Demand Explorer for Accommodations: Destination Trends consists of the following charts and reports:

Query Demand Summary

Highlight user demand and growth over the selected period (up to the last 12 weeks).

  • Accom. Demand: Number of searches of keywords related to the selected markets over the selected date period; the total queries are masked (rounded to the nearest significant number).
  • International: Percentage of queries for international demand (user location and destination are between two different countries).
  • Domestic: Percentage of queries for domestic demand (user location and destination are within the same country).
  • PoP: Growth of queries for the selected date period versus the previous period.
  • Yo3Y: Growth of queries for the selected date period versus the same period 3 years ago.

Accommodation Types

View breakdowns of demand by accommodation type with parameters defined by the filters.


Identify the top destinations / user locations by subcontinent, country, region, and city, sliced by domestic vs international flights. Click + in the first column to see the domestic / international breakdown.

  • Destination Country: Queries aggregated to countries, such as US, Indonesia, France.
  • Destination Region: Queries aggregated to a large part of a country (for example, states in the US).
  • Destination City: Queries aggregated to a city.
  • Demand Volume: Number of searches of keywords related to the available routes over the select date period; the total queries are masked (rounded to the nearest whole number).
  • Yo3Y: Growth of total queries over the selected date period versus the same period 3 years ago.
  • PoP: Growth of queries for the selected date period versus the previous period.

User Locations

View user locations at the time of query.

The User Locations panel is separated into two sections: Demand by User Country and Demand by User Region, each with a scatter chart and table showing demand volume, Yo3Y, and PoP, subject to the filters.


Identify demand trends based on the directionalities (user locations to destinations).

Use these charts and tables with the Geo filters to capture the demand between specific user locations and destinations.

Demand trajectories

Timeline graphs show the current domestic and international demand for the selected period and the same period three years ago. Hover your pointer over the timeline to view detailed information.

Demand by travel radius

A timeline graph and accompanying tables show how far users may be willing to travel. Demand is categorized by the following distances:

  • Within a region/state: User location and destinations are within the same region/state.
  • Within country, domestic: User location and destinations are between two different regions or states but remaining within the same country.
  • Within subcontinent: User location and destinations are between two different countries but remaining within the same subcontinent.
  • Within continent: User location and destinations are between two different subcontinents but remaining within the same continent.
  • Anywhere in the world: The remaining demand.

The data includes demand (queries) over the current selected period, year-over-2-year period, and period over period.

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