HTTPS encryption on the web – visible changes

June 2023. The 'Percentage of HTTPS browsing time by Chrome platform' and 'Percentage of HTTPS browsing time in Chrome by country/region' charts are updating again. Data points between 24/07/2022 and 03/06/2023 are not available.

March 2023. The 'Percentage of HTTPS browsing time by Chrome platform' and 'Percentage of HTTPS browsing time in Chrome by country/region' charts are currently only showing data until July 2022.  We are working to restore the data feed. 

September 2022. The ‘Encryption by product at Google’ chart was discontinued (see archived image below).

May 2022. The certificate search page was discontinued.

April 2021. Data for the period 5 September 2020 to 24 October 2020 is not available in the 'Encrypted traffic across Google' and 'Encryption by product at Google' exhibits.

January 2021. During a migration in backend data sources, our charts temporarily showed an incorrect decline in HTTPS connectivity across multiple platforms. We have corrected the data so that charts accurately reflect the level of HTTPS connectivity.

January 2019. Archived the chart of HTTPS on top 100 sites and added a summary chart.

September 2018. Due to a change in backend data sources, our charts incorrectly showed a temporary decline in HTTPS connectivity across Gmail and Drive (see image below). We have corrected the data so that charts accurately reflect the level of HTTPS connectivity.

January 2018. Due to product changes that have an impact on the reliability of the data, we removed Google Finance service data from the 'Encryption by product at Google' chart in the Overview section of the report. The last updated state of Google Finance is displayed below. 



January 2017. Discovered a miscounting error that corresponds to a change in the 'Across Google' graph. The corrected 'Across Google' graph has 1–2% more HTTPS from January 2014 to November 2015.

November 2016. Added HTTPS usage page.

July 2016. Added YouTube and Google Calendar data to all graphs.

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