Jan 12, 2022

Region/Language set to US/English but google webpage translate options show in my regional language.

I have my region set to US and language set to English but in the google webpage translation, the options are shown in my actual regional language(Nepali) and there doesn't seem to be any settings to change that to English.
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Last edited Jan 12, 2022
Recommended Answer
Feb 4, 2022
Figured out the issue myself.

When I'm translating a site, it basically redirects to google translate but it also adds this flag "_x_tr_hl=ne". I don't know if it's the addon or google translate that is adding this flag to the URL.
Edit: I know now, it's the site translation of google translate causing this issue. Refer to this comment.

So, removing that flag basically shows the translate UI in English.

It also appears that "https://www-google-com.translate.goog"(the one used for site translation) doesn't recognize my search engine preferences and google account.
So, it is basically displaying as if it's in private-window/incognito mode which is probably the reason it's setting that flag to begin with as they default based on the IP's region.
Last edited Feb 4, 2022
Diamond Product Expert W16 engine recommended this
All Replies (33)
Jan 12, 2022
The settings on your Google account or your   browser  language  settings do not correlate with Translate  settings;
The translate language setting is based on the languages you use most often
Feb 4, 2022
There you go. 

Feb 4, 2022
>> "There you go."
So I'm assuming your IP is UK based? That should explain your language being default to English.
Last edited Feb 4, 2022
Feb 4, 2022
>>"As you would've known just by the screenshot I posted that I'm using Mozilla Firefox.(Firefox tag is also present in the thread details)
So, it's not about you having to figure things out, it's about you having to simply read what I've wrote carefully so you don't misunderstand things yourself.
  • All the information you provide should be in the text of the question (this is in the posting guidelines). A picture is just additional clarification; 

Now; Throughout this thread, you are bringing up VPN and incognito mode again and again; 
Forget about them... Usee translate without VPN  when  in signed to Google.

  • >>""I opened a private window, logged into my google account, confirmed my google account setting, search engine setting and browser settings are all set to English and tested it but issue still persists.
  • >>"I already tested that by using translate in a private-window/incognito mode which is again, equivalent to clearing cookies and cache."
This is incorrect
In incognito (even if signed in )  - Google cookies are not stored. Google cookies and other sign-in signals about the user are essential to translate to prp[erly function;

So follow the step I recommended 

>>"It also appears that "https://www-google-com.translate.goog"(the one used for site translation) doesn't recognize my search engine preferences and google account."
The same applies; Apprently, ecause you are not signed in to a Google account, in a browsing mode.
Google is a customized suite of services. You must be signed in to take advantage of these services
Feb 4, 2022
>> "Now; Throughout this thread, you are bringing up VPN and incognito mode again and again; 
Forget about them... Usee translate without VPN  when  in signed to Google."
What part of "using VPN/incognito just to test" do you not understand?
It means, yes, every other time, I am always signed in to Google in a normal window without VPN.

>> "In incognito (even if signed in )  - Google cookies are not stored. Google cookies and other sign-in signals about the user are essential to translate to prp[erly function;"
Nope, new cookies and cache are stored for the session meaning if you create a new tab in the private-window, you'll still be signed in, only after the private-window mode is quit, they're deleted.
That's how Mozilla Firefox's private-window mode works.

>> "So follow the step I recommended"
I already did and it didn't work. Because the issue is exclusive to the site translation of the google translate which is the reason there's no issues with https://translate.google.com but there's issues with https://www-google-com.translate.goog not being able to acquire signed in info.

>> "The same applies; Apprently, ecause you are not signed in to a Google account, in a browsing mode."
Thanks for proving my point that you in fact don't want to bother reading carefully.
Because I literally said that even though I am signed in to my google account, the site translation of google translate doesn't recognize it and just acts as if a private-window mode was opened.
Last edited Feb 4, 2022
Feb 4, 2022
>>"Nope, new cookies and cache are stored for the session, meaning if you create a new tab in the private-window, you'll still be signed in; only after the private-window mode is quit they're deleted.
That's how Mozilla Firefox's private-window mode works."
  • This is incorrect for Google's cookies; Google cookies are essential; hence you cannot run your test in incognito.
  • To use Google services you must sign in AND allow Google's cookies
  • You did not follow the step I listed; You did run them in an incognito mode, not while signed in a browsing mode;
>>", the site translation of google translate doesn't recognize it and just acts as if a private-window mode was opened."
  • The picture you added (this time, it was helpful) did not show that you were not in a signed-in mode.
Why don't you test translating a  content webpage? (Google  Search home is automatically redirected to the  has a localized version based on a location)
Last edited Feb 4, 2022
Feb 4, 2022
>> "This is incorrect for Google's cookies; Google cookies are essential; hence you cannot run your test in incognito."
Then please explain how translate.google.com is able to recognize my logged in google account in both private and normal mode but translate.goog isn't able to do the same in neither modes.

>> "You did not follow the step I listed; You did run them in an incognito mode, not while signed in a browsing mode;"
No, I tested them first in private window then later tested in normal window with google's cookies and cache data all deleted.
That is the only reason I even noticed the site translation of google translate wasn't acquiring my logged in info.

>> "Why don't you test translating a  content webpage? (Google  Search home is automatically redirected to the  has a localized version based on a location)"
I have? Do you not understand I only provided the "GOOGLE SEARCH" as an example?
If you want to see the same thing but on another site, follow this comment where I've provided a link to github where the screenshot is attached.
Last edited Feb 4, 2022
Feb 4, 2022
I do not want to get into the discussions about Google cookies or Goole user's interests or Google account user's settings  (e.g., location, privacy) -  all  work collectively and affect - collectively - the user experience;
The bottom line: All Google's cookies must be available as well as other signals Google uses when logged in;
Tests without login (into a Google account) and enabling all cookies - are inaccurate. (This also applies to tests in Search or Ads)
And, Indeed,  I "did not understand"  that you had  tested other pages because you did not provide a link (in this thread)
Google search home page cannot serve as a testing page. (For several reasons beyond the scope)
should you wish to troubleshoot the case, pls follow the steps I suggested;
If the goal is advocating your option - then we are at a "dead end."
Feb 4, 2022
>> "The bottom line: All Google's cookies must be available as well as other signals Google uses when logged in;"
And they are all available, how do I know? Because translate.google.com has no problems aquiring my logged in google account's info compared to translate.goog which fails regardless of if I clear cookies and login in normal mode, login in private mode etc.

>> "Tests without login (into a Google account) and enabling all cookies - are inaccurate. (This also applies to tests in Search or Ads)"
Well, I did all kinds of tests, both logged in and logged out, in both private and normal mode with cookies cleared. So, regardless of how "inaccurate" you want to call them, I've noticed a consistent pattern of issue there.

>> "And, Indeed,  I "did not understand"  that you had  tested other pages because you did not provide a link (in this thread)"
I did provide a link, yes, IN THIS THREAD, which you would've known if you again, READ MY REPLIES CAREFULLY.

I linked to this comment twice in this thread which has the link to the tests I did on other sites.
But here, let me quote myself again:
"But, only the addon dev can do that if they were to add an option to specify the language we want to use for site translation. Already requested here." -RedAISkye

One more time focused on the link I'm talking about:

But since you seem to completely ignore them.
Here, I re-uploaded the screenshots I originally uploaded at github as a reference for the developer.

You're welcome.

Gtg to bed so goodnight, see you tomorrow.
Last edited Feb 4, 2022
Feb 4, 2022
Note: We do not follow links to external resources; this is the practice in all Google's communities;
All relevant info should be provided within the thread, not linking to other forums you posted (e.g. Github)
>."Because translate.google.com has no problems acquiring my logged in google account's info compared to translate.goog which fails regardless of if I clear cookies and login in normal mode, login in private mode etc."
  • Again; This is incorrect; I already explained. 
if you really want to troubleshoot the case 
  • Do not use incognito;
  • Do not use VPN.'
  • Disable all extensions;
  • Use browsing mode;
  • sign in to YOUR Google account;
  • Then, Clear ALL cookies an cache 
  • Then post  a link to a content/web  page (not seah home) that is not translated using translate.
Feb 4, 2022
Google translate does NOT set default language by what you use the most.
Mine is set to French. I used French once, two years ago. I've used Chinese
500 times since then, and still? Google translate is set to French. Way to go googleless
Feb 4, 2022
@Bruce Bolduc;
Pls open a new thread to your case and include details;
This thread  is a different scenario;
The two threads should not overlap;
Thank you;
Feb 5, 2022
>> "All relevant info should be provided within the thread, not linking to other forums you posted (e.g. Github)"
I was just responding to the other person, it originally wasn't for you.
But since you conveniently miss the multiple times I've said "already followed your troubleshooting step in normal mode with cache cleared and google account signed in", I was simply pointing the fact out to you that I've documented examples on other sites and not just "Google search". Not that it's relevant anyways on what site I use as an example because the issue remains the same on all sites at the end of the day.

>> "Again; This is incorrect; I already explained."
How so? Incorrect in what way? Because I'm just explaining to you what I'm experiencing but it seems you have already made your mind up that my experience is somehow wrong and that google can't ever have some kind of rare bug.

>> "if you really want to troubleshoot the case 
  • Do not use incognito;
  • Do not use VPN.'
  • Disable all extensions;
  • Use browsing mode;
  • sign in to YOUR Google account;
  • Then, Clear ALL cookies an cache"
Already did all of that and issue still persists like I've stated for the thousand of times.

>> "Then post  a link to a content/web  page (not seah home) that is not translated using translate."
You have to elaborate on that one. Like are you asking me a screenshot/link of a site in its original form?
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