Jul 28, 2021

How to disable auto language detect in Google Translate?

I have the problem that, a whole lot of time I translate something ("parley" for example) to other language like Thai or Japanese.

I get "Translate from: Bengali" and how to pronounce instead of getting the meaning of the text.

It's one thing Google Translate doesn't recognize this word at all but there's 7 "alternate translations" that are all correct.

Isn't this the most stupid "feature" to put on a translator app? How do I disable it?

Apparently this is the same as the web version too.
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Last edited Jul 28, 2021
Recommended Answer
Jul 28, 2021
Oops, you have taken too much pain to drive home the point. It was pretty clear in the original post itself. 
The NLP often fails to detect the language if their scripts are similar like Urdu, Dari, Pashto and Persian. That's understandable. In parley ( the word is commonly used in media ), I don't know why the system didn't read it as English. As we are forum volunteers, so we don't what are the signals the system uses to pick up a given word to flash the " Translate from : ' feature.
Please feel free to send feedback and in the meantime, I will also try to get a sense from the Google Translate team. Thanks for your understanding.
Original Poster Natthaphon Hongcharoen marked this as an answer
All Replies (27)
Jul 28, 2021
Just pick a language;
Jul 28, 2021
Your initial query was about the app. ALL my reply are about the app.
Translate is not intended (as other products by Google) in incognito. Sign in clear cach cookies and the aop's data
Critique about the product design will not resolve your issue...
Jul 28, 2021
This is in the question
This is your reply after I talked about incognito mode
And now you can't even read this reply saying clearing cache doesn't work.

You read the first 2 line and confidently think you know where the problem is. But the problem is somewhere else. That's it.
Last edited Jul 28, 2021
Jul 28, 2021
Just in case those are too long for you.

Sign in clear cache cookies and the app's data doesn't work.
Jul 28, 2021
Clearing the apps data / clearing cache would alter the behavior of an ML? Implied, right?
Jul 28, 2021
>>"Clearing the apps data / clearing cache would alter the behavior of an ML?

Not "altering" but "reset" the initial setting, this typically resolves glitches, a practice you are well familiar with in Google’s products...
Last edited Jul 28, 2021
Jul 28, 2021
>>"think you know where the problem is. But the problem is somewhere else. That's it.
Apparently you do not fully read my replies and jump into the wrong conclusions 
I reread the thread, my replies stand. Among them, do not use translate in incognito mode
Venting about a product glitches would not take you anywhere... 
I think we have exhausted the discussion
Jul 28, 2021
No, it's not. The clearing of cache or app data has no bearing on the ML. And, there is nothing secret about this silly stuff you know. Educate us with a link to the source where this relationship was established.

Jul 28, 2021
>>" And, there is nothing secret about this silly stuff you know."

This "silly stuff" is the remedy to 90% of the glitches and bugs on any of Google's product ; (As you are well aware)
Now; ML is the core of the "new translate"; However,  not the only component of the system ....So not any fix is around  "teaching the system". Some well-established best practices still work...
Jul 28, 2021
If this magic potion is a cure for most of the ills of any Google product, then what's the problem in substantiating your claim by sharing a credible source link?
If you are sharing your 2 cents just add a disclaimer.
Jul 28, 2021
<<"If this magic potion is a cure for most of the ills of any Google product, then what's the problem in substantiating your claim by sharing a credible source link?

You are aware that this is one of the basic troubleshooting practices - are you not? If you were not; I  would be surprised.

It is not a magic cure, but a remedy that works often;
 Search Google help center/help communities you'll find plenty of resources.
Last edited Jul 28, 2021
Jul 29, 2021
I don't appreciate beating around the bush when the simple query is : 

•••|||  The clearing of cache or app data has no bearing on the ML. And, there is nothing secret about this silly stuff you know. Educate us with a link to the source where this relationship was established. •••|||

All those basic troubleshooting steps at no place imply the action of clearing the cache or app data helps the ML to learn it's mistakes and correct itself.

How much time does it take to answer a simple question with a link? 

And, how much time and energy you are consuming in the language world.

Disclaimer : my intent is not to hurt anyone here but to help the users not believe anything which has no attribution.

Have a good day / night.
Jul 29, 2021
>>"All those basic troubleshooting steps at no place imply the action of clearing the cache or app data helps the ML to learn it's mistakes and correct itself."
The ML is irrelevant here; As mentioned (mathematically) these are the initial conditions;  mentioning ML in every post does not mean that ML is indeed relevant...
>>"How much time does it take to answer a simple question with a link? "
What question?
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