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Get gender-specific translations

In some languages, you can get both feminine and masculine translations for some gender-neutral words, phrases and sentences. A “Translations are gender-specific” message shows above the 2 translations.

Use available languages & lengths

In several languages, you can get gender-specific translations for single words. In fewer languages, you can also get gender-specific translations for short phrases and sentences that mention a person in a gender-neutral way.

Gender-specific translations in more languages are coming soon.

Understand gender-specific translation order

Gender-specific translations show in alphabetical order by gender label. For example, in English, “feminine” comes alphabetically before “masculine.”

In languages without alphabets, gender-specific translations show in each language’s standard indexing order by gender label.

Missing content

If you get the message, “Gender-specific translations are limited,” there may only be one potential translation for a single gender where multiple translations are possible for multiple genders.

Some content is gender-neutral or gender-ambiguous. For example, some nouns aren’t gender-specific in the original content but are gender-specific in the translated language. The gender-specific translation message lets you know that there may be more than one correct translation.

Troubleshoot gender-specific translations

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