Launch process

Publish a preview of your Realtime data

Once you’ve decided how you’ll submit your Realtime data, you can publish your feed in a staging environment to preview the data before it goes live.

To publish your data, contact us and provide the following information:

  • Delivery method: Fetch or push? If you choose the push method, please send us your data as frequently as possible. Learn more about ways to submit data.
  • URLs for each feed type: Service Alerts, Trip Updates, and Vehicle Position. If you're using the fetch delivery method, make sure to include the credentials needed to fetch data. Learn more about GTFS Realtime feeds.
  • Encoding type: Is the content in your feed encoded in binary or ASCII? (Although you can use ASCII-encoded feeds for testing, your production feeds must be encoded in binary.)

After you've contacted us to publish your data, we’ll set up a preview of your feed in the staging environment. 

Once your preview is ready, you'll be notified by email. Then you can use the staged data to preview how users will see your transit information.

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