Tag Assistant Legacy Chrome extension user options

This article refers to the legacy version of Tag Assistant. Learn more about the latest version of Tag Assistant.

The Tag Assistant Legacy Chrome extension provides several customizable settings in the user options that allow you to tailor the diagnostic output to your needs. You can access these options by right-clicking the Chrome extension and selecting 'Options.'

'Validate All Pages'

This feature allows you to customize whether Tag Assistant will perform implementation checks on every page loaded in the browser, for a specific domain, or only if manually triggered. By default, this setting is checked, which means that Tag Assistant will perform checks on each page. By unchecking this setting, you will be required to manually initiate Tag Assistant checks from the extensions.

'Parse External Scripts'

This setting controls whether Tag Assistant checks for Google tags inside of scripts or containers on the page. By default, this setting is unchecked, which means that Tag Assistant will not analyze these scripts or external files. Checking this setting will allow you to parse scripts and containers, but may significantly slow results from within the extension.

'Detail Level'

For each Google tag, you have the option of setting the level to 'off', 'basic', or 'detailed.'

  • Setting a specific tag to 'off' will tell Tag Assistant not to check for that specific tag and will prevent Tag Assistant from generating any output for the tag.
  • Setting the level to 'basic' will provide error reporting as well as minimal information about the tag such as account ID.
  • Setting the level to 'detailed' will provide error reporting as well as advanced debugging information such as the full request URL, full tracking script, and script source.
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