Tips for a successful survey

Choose the right settings


Selecting the right settings for each question is important to receive accurate data.


Find the right question type

Understand the different question types offered and have a plan for which ones you'll use. You want to keep in mind that certain types of questions convey different meanings.



In a vertical list of multiple-choice answers, people tend to click more on the top responses. By default, multiple choice answers will be randomized to reduce this effect. You can also randomly reverse the answer order if you want to maintain some order (e.g., ascending or descending numeric answer options). To avoid bias in your results, we recommend you keep your answers randomized in some way unless these randomization options don't make sense for your question.


Pin specific answers

There are times when you want to randomize answers but ensure that one option is always shown in a specific location. For example you might want to “pin” the answer option “None of the above” so that it always shows at the bottom of the answer list and follows a logical order.

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