你要瀏覽的網頁目前並未提供你慣用的語言版本。你可以在頁面底部選取其他語言版本,或使用 Google Chrome 內建的翻譯功能,將網頁內容即時翻譯成所選的語言。

Code implementation guide

View source code

To view the HTML of your webpage (also known as the "source code"), first open your web browser. Then, visit the premium content page where you'd like to show surveys.

Once you're there, please follow the steps below:

Google Chrome

  1. Click the menu icon Menu on the browser toolbar.
  2. Select More tools, then View Source.


  • Press Ctrl+U (Windows) or ⌘-Option-U (Mac).

Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari

Review and follow the instructions provided by your browser:

After you take the steps above, a new window will open displaying the source code.

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