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Connect your Stadia Controller to a device

To use your Stadia Controller with other services, its firmware needs to be updated to disable Stadia's proprietary Wi-Fi connectivity and enable Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE). You can then use it like a standard wireless Bluetooth controller with some other hardware and services. You can also plug your Stadia Controller into a device with a USB-C cable.

Note: After you enable Bluetooth mode on your Stadia Controller, its Wi-Fi connectivity features will be permanently disabled. You cannot revert this change.

Compatibility with services and platforms has not been substantially tested and device compatibility will vary. Note that computers must have a Bluetooth Low Energy adapter to communicate with the Stadia Controller in Bluetooth mode. Further updates to the Stadia Controller will not be offered after the Stadia servers shut down on January 18, 2023. After the shutdown in January, you have until December 31, 2024 to update the controller so it can use Bluetooth mode.

Enable Bluetooth on your controller

You need to update your Stadia Controller to use Bluetooth before you can pair and connect it to a device.

Connect your Stadia Controller with a USB cable

You can use a USB cable to plug your Stadia Controller into a Windows® or Android device that has a USB port. You can also plug your controller into most devices that were compatible with Stadia.

Tip: If you're using a USB A-to-C adapter, make sure the adapter side is not connected to your controller.

Tandem Mode

To use Tandem Mode, plug a second controller into your Stadia Controller's USB port. Inputs from both controllers are registered as if they're coming from your primary Stadia Controller. This means you and a second player can play in a cooperative "friend mode" where you share a game's inputs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)​

BLUETOOTH is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

MACOS is a trademark of Apple Inc.

PLAYSTATION, DUALSHOCK, and DUALSENSE are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

STEAM is a registered trademark of Valve Corporation.

WINDOWS, XBOX, XBOX 360, XBOX ONE, and XBOX ADAPTIVE CONTROLLER are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

XBOX SERIES XS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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