Send feedback or report content

Tell us what you think about the Socratic app, or report inaccurate or inappropriate content.

Send a message to the Socratic team

Complete the following steps to submit feedback to tell us what you think of the Socratic app.

  1. Open the Socratic app.

  2. Tap Menu .

  3. Tap Send feedback.

  4. You can tell us things like the following:

    • Content that's inaccurate or inappropriate.

    • What you like or dislike about the app.

    • Features that are confusing or don't work.

Quickly provide feedback about the results

You can submit feedback to the Socratic team while you view the results from your question.

  1. As you view the results of a question, tap Feedback .

  2. You can tell us things like the following:

    • Content that's inaccurate or inappropriate.

    • What you like or dislike about the results.

    • Features that are confusing or don't work.

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