ขณะนี้หน้าที่คุณขอยังไม่พร้อมให้บริการในภาษาของคุณ คุณสามารถเลือกภาษาอื่นได้ที่ด้านล่างของหน้าหรือแปลหน้าเว็บใดๆ ให้อยู่ในภาษาที่คุณต้องการได้ทันที โดยใช้คุณลักษณะการแปลภาษาในตัวของ Google Chrome

Snapseed 1.6 [discontinued]

HDR Scape creates a double-exposure
There is a known issue with HDR Scape on the Motorola Xoom MZ604. After tapping Apply in HDR Scape, the image appears to have a double-exposure or otherwise bad save. Unfortunately, this is caused by limitations in the phone, so there is currently no workaround for this issue.
HDR Scape causes Snapseed to crash
There is a known issue with HDR Scape crashing Snapseed, sometimes when initiated, and sometimes not until tapping Apply. The current resolution is to install the update to Snapseed 2.0, available now on the Play Store and AppStore.

Please note that compatibility for Snapseed 2.0 has changed. Confirm that your device is compatible.

Black & White filter crashes on launch
On some devices like the Nexus 7 and Samsung Galaxy s4, launching the Black & White filter causes Snapseed to crash. The current resolution is to install the update to Snapseed 2.0, available now on the Play Store and AppStore.

Please note that compatibility for Snapseed 2.0 has changed. Confirm that your device is compatible.

Image turns black when using Tune Image
On the Huawei Ascend P6, the Tune Image filter causes the image to go blank and appear solid black. All of the sliders and menus work as expected, but any changes are not visible. Unfortunately there is not a resolution at this time.
Choosing Share causes Snapseed to close without warning
The share button on some iOS7 devices causes Snapseed to quit unexpectedly. Unfortunately there is not a resolution at this time, but as a workaround, simply save the image to your device. Then, share the image directly via the desired app.


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