
Attention Learners: Content on Skillshop is now categorized under two main topic-based categories: Skillshop Google Ads/GMP/GA for Ads, Marketing and Analytics learners, and Skillshop Other Topics for learners of all other topics. When reviewing resources / help articles, please select the article that's right for you according to the category in the article title.

Professional certifications for Skillshop Google Ads/GMP/GA

Important: This article is only applicable to Skillshop Google Ads, Google Marketing Platform, and Google Analytics learning. To learn more about the categorization of the Skillshop topics and navigate to the right help article, click here.

Skillshop developed Professional Google Ads Certifications in Display, Search, and Video. These certifications feature higher exam security and validate your ability to manage and implement Google Ads campaigns. Professional certifications are distinct from existing foundational certifications in two ways: 

  • Professional certifications focus on both conceptual and procedural knowledge, and serve Google Ads users who spend more time implementing and managing campaigns. Foundational certifications focus primarily on conceptual and strategic knowledge, and serve strategists who spend less day-to-day time managing campaigns. 
  • Professional certifications are virtually proctored to ensure higher exam integrity. Foundational certifications are not virtually proctored. 

January 2024 update: Professional Certifications are currently available only to a limited audience. They were available in a limited pilot to the general public for a limited time in late 2023. In the future, these exams will require a fee. Foundational certifications continue to be available free of charge. Check back later for more information and future availability. 

Note: Currently, professional certifications do not count toward partner requirements for the Google Partners program.

Visit the Certification Hub for more information about available certifications.


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