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New Skillshop Digital Badges and Certificates

Skillshop digital badges help you build credibility and confidence by validating your skills with industry-recognized credentials. We provide digital badges as a benefit of earning a new Skillshop certification so you can easily share and showcase your certified status. You can also take advantage of flexible options for recognition and verification.

The new Skillshop badges are currently only valid for certain exams but will be rolled out to all certification exams soon.

Benefits of Skillshop digital badges:

  1. Highlight your skills – Showcase your skills by adding digital badges to your professional profiles. We offer step-by-step guidance on how to add badges to social profiles and embed verifiable badges on websites, digital resumes, and email signatures.
  2. Celebrate with your network – Share your digital badge as a post on social media. With one-click badge sharing to news feeds, it’s easy to celebrate your achievement with your network.
  3. Verify your certified status – Digital badges make it simple for your employer to access your up-to-date, Google-certified status. Share a direct link to your digital badge via email, or create an optional public profile with all your earned certification badges. 
  4. Be found by potential employers – Opt in to show your certifications in the Skillshop Credential Holder Directory.

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