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New Skillshop digital badges and certificates FAQs

Q: Where can I find the badges for my completed certifications?

A: You should have received an email with your new badge and certificate. If you don’t receive or can’t find the email, contact Skillshop Support.


Q: How will I know if I’ve earned a badge?

A: Shortly after passing your certification exam, you’ll get an email with instructions for claiming your digital badge and setting up your account. If you don’t receive or can’t find the email, contact Skillshop Support.


Q: What if I don’t want my badge to be public?

A: You can easily configure your privacy settings in Accredible. You’re in complete control of which information about yourself is made public.


Q: How do I request a name change?

A: If there’s a typo in your name, the wrong name has been used, or you need part of your name added or removed, you’ll need to update your Skillshop profile with the correct information. After that, let us know so we can republish your credentials with the correct information.


Q: Is there a fee for Skillshop digital badges?

A: No. Digital badges are part of your Google certification benefits.


Q: How long is a certification valid?

A: Unless explicitly stated in the certificate issued, all Skillshop certifications are valid for one year from the date certified. Candidates must recertify to maintain their certification status. You’ll be notified in advance of when your certification will expire so you can prepare to recertify if you wish to do so.


Q: What happens to my digital badge when my certification expires?

A: Skillshop certifications expire one year from the date earned and must be renewed by the expiration date. When a Skillshop certification expires, the digital badge will also be flagged as expired.


Q: Can I retake the same exam if I’m already certified?

A: You may not attempt the same exam while you’re currently certified unless you’re within the recertification eligibility period, which starts 30 days prior to your certification expiration date. If you attempt to recertify before the recertification eligibility period, one or more of the following may happen:

  1. Your exam result will be rejected
  2. You may not receive a new certificate or badge
  3. You may be prohibited from taking the exam and/or any other Google exam 
  4. Google, in its sole discretion, may terminate any applicable business relationship with you

Q: I have questions about  Skillshop digital badges and certificates. Where can I find support?

A: Contact Skillshop Support.





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