Timeline for getting started with Search Ads 360
Welcome to Search Ads 360!
Getting up and running with Search Ads 360 might seem a bit overwhelming at first, when you consider the number of features that you can use and the many options for customizing those features to meet your business needs.
Based on experience with bringing other new Search Ads 360 advertisers on board, the best approach is organize your adoption of Search Ads 360 features into phases that occur over a period of 3 to 5 months. You can start out using basic features with default options, and then over time use more sophisticated features that you customize to meet your exact business needs.
Because retail campaigns usually generate ads based on data from an inventory feed, the suggested timeline for retailers is different from other verticals. Keep in mind that these timelines are just suggestions based on experience with other new Search Ads 360 advertisers. Feel free to perform the tasks in the order that suits your business goals.
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