
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

About Google Ads Smart shopping campaigns

People search online with the goal of finding the best products from retailers. Google Ads Smart shopping campaigns combine shopping and display campaigns with machine learning to reach as many customers as possible, while automating much of the campaign creation and maintenance processes. Because Smart shopping campaigns are so heavily automated, they aren't ideal for advertisers who want granular control of their campaigns.

Cartoon of 4 phones showing stylized versions of ads serving on search, display, YouTube, and Gmail.

How it works

Smart shopping campaigns are limited to one ad and one ad group per campaign. Our system tests different combinations of your product feed and assets, and shows only the most relevant, best performing creatives. Your Smart shopping campaigns are capable of showing ads on the following Google networks:

  • Google Search Network
  • Google Display Network 
  • YouTube
  • Gmail

Ready to get started?

You can either sync an existing Smart shopping campaign that you created in Google Ads into Search Ads 360, or create a Smart shopping campaign directly in Search Ads 360.

Here’s an overview of creating Shopping campaigns from Search Ads 360:

  1. Link your Google Merchant Center account with Google Ads and Search Ads 360.
    This allows you to sync inventory data from Google Ads and to create the Smart shopping campaign in Search Ads 360.
    If you use multi-client accounts in Google Merchant Center, you can link to the multi-client account or to a subaccount, but make sure you link to the exact same same account in both Google Ads and Search Ads 360.

  2. Create a Smart shopping campaign.
    When you finish, the campaign contains one ad group and one product group for all products in your Merchant Center feed. (Smart shopping campaigns use product groups instead of keywords to determine when to show your Shopping ads.)

Once you've set up your campaign, you can monitor Smart shopping campaign performance.

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