Toll-free numbers can only be dialed from within each country.
Location | Toll-free phone number | Hours available |
Australia | 1800 029 793, option 4 | 9am - 6pm AEST, Monday - Friday |
China | 800 990 9027 400 810 6260 |
9am - 6pm CST, Monday - Friday |
France | 0805981024 | 9.30am - 6.30pm, Monday - Friday |
Germany | 08006270305 | 9.30am - 6.30pm, Monday - Friday |
Hong Kong | +852 3923 5666 | 9am - 6pm CST, Monday - Friday |
Italy | 800089773 | 9.30am - 6.30pm, Monday - Friday |
New Zealand | 0800545540, option 4 | 11am - 8pm NZST, Monday - Friday |
Spain | 900901503 | 9.30am - 6.30pm, Monday - Friday |
Taiwan | 0800 891 199/ 8610 6250 5007 |
9am - 6pm CST, Monday - Friday |
United Kingdom | 08000260368 | 8.30am - 5.30pm, Monday - Friday |
US and Canada | 877.376.3278, option 6 | 9am - 9pm EST/EDT, Monday - Friday |
All of the hours in the preceding table are in the local country's time zone.
If you're in a country that isn't listed here, email customer support or contact your account manager.
After-hours coverage
After hours, on weekends, and on holidays, please contact customer support by email.
When your regional support centers are closed, we'll respond to Priority 1 (P1) issues only. We'll respond to issues with a lower priority (P2, P3, and so on) on the next business day.
A P1 issue means that the product is completely inaccessible due to an outage or that there's a major disruption in ad serving. Sign-in and password recovery issues are not considered P1. The response time for P1 issues is two hours.
Keep in mind that customer support and management will be paged for all P1 issues. Please be kind to your support team by limiting your use of after-hours P1 issues to serious matters only.
Regional holidaysRegion | Holidays |
US/Canada | New Year's Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Presidents Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day |
Latin America (All holidays are for Argentina) |
New Year's Day Holy Thursday Good Friday Carnival Monday Carnival Tuesday Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice Veteran's Day Labor Day First National Government Day Independence Day José de San Martín Day Day of Respect to Cultural Diversity (formerly Columbus Day) National Sovereignty Day Immaculate Conception Christmas Eve Christmas Day New Year's Eve |
Brazil |
New Year's Day Founding of São Paolo Carnival and Ash Wednesday (multiple days) Good Friday Tiradentes Labor Day Corpus Christi Constitutionalist Revolution Day Independence Day Our Lady of Aparecida Day of the Dead Proclamation of the Republic Day Black Awareness Day Christmas Eve Christmas Day New Year's Eve |
Australia/New Zealand |
New Year's Day Good Friday Easter Monday Labour Day (New South Wales) Christmas Day |
Asia | New Year's Day Good Friday Easter Monday National Day (China) Christmas Day |
Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) | New Year's Day Good Friday Easter Monday Christmas Day Boxing Day |