
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Use your business data to manage campaigns

Segment reports by business data

To drill down and uncover subtleties in engine metrics and conversion data that may reveal deeper insights, you can segment a report by your business data.

Reports that can be segmented by business data

You can segment any of the following tabs by attributes you've defined in your business data at any scope:

  • Dimensions

  • Engine accounts

  • Campaigns

  • Ad groups

  • Keywords

  • Ads

  • Targets: Dynamic ad targets (Google Ads accounts only)

How to segment reports by business data

  1. Navigate to a reporting table that displays performance metrics.
    For example, navigate to a campaign and click the Keywords tab.

  2. Click the Segment button, which appears above the performance summary graph.
    The Segment button.

    If the Segment button isn’t available for a report, try scoping down. For example, "Segment" isn’t available for a keywords report at the advertiser level. Instead, navigate to an engine account or lower and click the Keywords tab.

  3. In the segment panel:

    1. Click the + Segment list, then click the Business data category.
      The segment list displays all columns you've defined in your business data tables.
      Select "Business data" from the category list.

    2. Select a segment.

    3. Click Apply.

  4. Optionally adjust the report's time range.

The reporting table displays an additional column for the segment you selected, and each row is divided into the selected segments. In addition, the Segment button above the performance summary graph displays the segment you selected. If you selected more than one segment, you’ll see a message indicating the number of active segments. For example, Segment: 3 active.

For example, if you selected the Location.Region segment, you'll see the Location.Region column and one row for each region in your business data that is associated with at least one impression during the report's time range.

Search Ads 360 can't segment business data by hour.

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