The best practice is to start out using basic features with default options, and then over time use more sophisticated features that you customize to meet your exact business needs. Keep in mind that these timelines are just suggestions based on experience with other new Search Ads 360 advertisers. Feel free to perform the tasks in the order that suits your business goals.
Day ZERO |
LearnBuild up your platform confidence
Search Ads 360 feature: Search Ads 360 Fundamentals and Certification Take the Search Ads 360 Fundamentals eLearning, then show what you’ve learned by getting your certificate of completion. Learn more.
Month 1 |
Campaign managementSet up manual keyword campaigns
Search Ads 360 feature: Manual keyword campaigns You can either create manual keyword campaigns in Search Ads 360 or sync existing campaigns in from engines. Automate campaign management
Search Ads 360 features:
Automated rules change settings in specific campaigns, ad groups, ads, keywords, or product targets based on criteria you specify. You schedule a time for the rule to run, set up the conditions, and specify the action if the conditions are met. For example, a rule can run daily at 1 A.M. and increase all bids where an ad’s average position was worse than 3 the previous days. Learn more. You can schedule bulk edits of campaigns, ad groups, ads or keywords to occur at a specific time or on a recurring basis. This allows you to keep your regular working hours and still have Search Ads 360 make needed changes any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For example, you can:
ReportingReport outside the traditional campaign structure
Search Ads 360 feature: Labels Labels make it possible to gain more insight by managing and report on campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords outside the traditional campaign structure. Instead of downloading performance data for campaigns and re-grouping the data manually in Excel, create and apply labels in Search Ads 360. Report and optimize based on data from analytics tools
If you're using Google Analytics to track activity on your site, you can send the data collected by Google Analytics to Search Ads 360. Search Ads 360 reports can show the number and value of Google Analytics ecommerce transactions and conversions (goals), as well as attribute those transactions and conversions to keywords, ads, and other items in Search Ads 360. You can also create bid strategies that use the data to optimize bids. Learn more. Add intelligence to reports
Search Ads 360 feature: Formula columns A formula column applies spreadsheet-like functions to reporting data in Search Ads 360. When you need to apply your own calculations, such as weighting conversions based on their business value, instead of downloading the data and using spreadsheet functions, you can create a formula column in Search Ads 360. Streamline reporting
Search Ads 360 features:
Include offline conversions
Search Ads 360 features:
If some of your conversions start online and finish offline (such as in a call center), Search Ads 360 will automatically have data about the online portion. If you want to provide data about the offline portion—to enhance your reports, for use in automated rules, or for optimization in a bid strategy—you canu se a call-tracking service that automatically uploads conversions, or upload conversions using the Search Ads 360 API or bulksheets. Learn more.
Bid optimizationGet started with automated bid optimization
Search Ads 360 feature: Bid strategies for manual keyword campaigns Search Ads 360 bid strategies automatically adjust bids to achieve a particular goal. When set up correctly, they can maximize return on investment (ROI), find hidden opportunities, and reduce the time needed to monitor and change bids manually. During month 1, start analyzing your historical performance data in preparation for using bid strategies for your manual keyword campaigns. Learn more.
Month 2 |
ReportingGain insight into upper funnel activity
Search Ads 360 feature: Attribution models An attribution model determines how to distribute credit for a conversion across all of the activity in a conversion funnel. By default, Search Ads 360 reports give all credit to the last click that occurred before the conversion. If you want a Floodlight activity column, Google Analytics activity column, or Search Ads 360 bid strategy to give some amount of credit to clicks on paid search ads higher up in the funnel, you can use an alternate attribution model. Learn more. Import Search Ads 360 data into other automated systems
Search Ads 360 feature: Reporting API Search Ads 360 provides an API (application programming interface) that a computer program can use to automate the download of reporting data from Search Ads 360. You can combine the downloaded data with data you already have about your products, customers, and business goals (from a CRM system, for example) to produce big-picture reporting. Learn more.
Bid optimizationMonitor and adjust bid strategy performance
Search Ads 360 feature: Bid strategies After running a bid strategy for 3 or 4 weeks, use Search Ads 360 reports and bid strategy forecasts to answer the question, "Could I get better results with different settings or keywords?" Make small adjustments to your target amounts, if needed. Check the forecast again after a few days. Continue making small changes once every week or two until you've reached your ideal balance of cost and conversions. Learn more.
Month 3 |
Bid optimizationEvaluate bid strategy results
Search Ads 360 feature: Bid strategies For the bid strategies that you launched in month 1 and adjusted in month 2, if you're satisfied that the bid strategy is performing as well as possible given your marketing goal, keywords, and business constraints, optionally run experiments to answer the question, "Does the bid strategy perform better than manual bidding or some other automated bid system?" Learn more.
Month 4 |
RemarketingRe-engage customers who have expressed an interest in your product
Search Ads 360 feature: Search to display remarketing Search Ads 360, Google Ads display campaigns, and Display & Video 360 can work together to target display ads to audiences who have clicked on your paid search ads. This display remarketing from search helps you re-engage customers who have expressed an interest in your product or service by showing them relevant display ads on the Google Display Network (GDN) or across ad exchanges via Display & Video 360. Learn more.