
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

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Currencies and time zones

Currencies in Search Ads 360

Search Ads 360 agencies, advertisers, and engine accounts each have their own currency settings. When you view a report in Search Ads 360, monetary values are in the currency of the component you’re scoped to:

  • Agency-level reports are in the agency’s currency.
    If the advertisers in an agency have different currencies, Search Ads 360 converts them all to the agency's currency in an agency-level report.

  • Advertiser-level reports are in the advertiser’s currency.
    If the engine accounts in an advertiser have different currencies, Search Ads 360 converts them all to the advertiser's currency in an advertiser-level report.

  • Engine account-level reports are in the engine account’s currency.
    You set this currency in the engine account itself before the first sync into Search Ads 360. After the first sync, any currency changes you make in the engine will be ignored by Search Ads 360.

To determine which currency is used in a Search Ads 360 report, look for the currency symbols in the report.

Monetary metrics in the scorecard and reporting table specify currency.

Downloaded reports

When you download a report or schedule a download, the selection you make in the Columns list determines the currency that appears in the report:

  • Editable columns (for re-upload): Monetary values are in the currency of the engine account.
    For example, if you download CampaignA in EngineAccount1, all monetary values for CampaignA are shown in the currency used by EngineAccount1.
  • Currently visible in table (for reporting): Monetary values are in the currency of the component you’re scoped to.
    For example, if you scope to the advertiser and download a report, all monetary values are in the advertiser's currency.

Decimal separator: comma or period

In the Search Ads 360 UI, the locale setting in your Google Account determines the display format for currencies. For example:

Advertiser currency Locale setting Display format
$ English - Canada 1.00 (period separates decimals)
$ French - France 1,00 (comma separates decimals)
English - Canada 1.00
French - France 1,00

In formulas, the only time the format matters is when you enter a static currency amount. For example, if you enter a static monetary amount in a formula, you'll need the to_money formula to convert the amount into money. You can use the monetary format that you're accustomed to, but if you use the comma as decimal separator, surround the amount in quotes. These two formulas are equivalent:
if(Cost > to_money(100.00), "coût élevé", "--")
if(Cost > to_money("100,00"), "coût élevé", "--")

And these two formulas are equivalent:
to_money(Clicks * to_money(",02"))
to_money(Clicks * .02)

The following formula works exactly the same no matter which separator your locale uses:
if(Cost > Revenue, "coût élevé", "--")

Bulksheets always use a period to separate decimals.

Currency best practice

If you want Campaign Manager 360 reports to match Search Ads 360 reports, keep everything in a single currency. For example, if you track revenue in both USD and CAD, create separate Campaign Manager 360 advertisers, Search Ads 360 advertisers, and Search Ads 360 engine accounts for each currency.

This will help you analyze and compare your reporting data at all levels.

How currencies are assigned in Search Ads 360

  • Search Ads 360 agency and advertiser currencies are set when the agency/advertiser is created.

  • The Search Ads 360 engine account currency is pulled from the engine’s currency and is set when the engine account is created.

These currencies can’t be changed after creation.

Currencies and Floodlight transaction tags

You can use Floodlight transaction tags to report the revenue from a transaction on your site. The Floodlight tag reports the raw numeric value of the revenue.

In Campaign Manager 360, Paid Search reports assume that this raw numeric value is in the currency of the Campaign Manager 360 account.

Likewise, by default Search Ads 360 assumes that Floodlight values are in the currency of the Campaign Manager 360 account. You can use Search Ads 360 Floodlight instructions to convert values to a different currency. Note that Floodlight instructions apply only to Search Ads 360 reports; they are not used by Campaign Manager 360.

For example:

  1. The Campaign Manager 360 account's currency is EUR.
  2. You create a Floodlight sales activity for a Campaign Manager 360 advertiser within this account and add the activity's event snippet to your site.
  3. The event snippet reports a transaction with a revenue of 1,300.
  4. When you run a Paid Search report in Campaign Manager 360, you'll see 1,300.
  5. In Search Ads 360, the currency for the advertiser that contains the Floodlight sales tag is GBP.
  6. Search Ads 360 assumes the Floodlight revenue is in the Campaign Manager 360 account's currency (EUR in this example). To match the revenue to your media cost, Search Ads 360 automatically converts 1,300EUR to GBP. So when you view an advertiser report in Search Ads 360, you'd see something like 1021.76GBP, depending on the exchange rate.
  7. If the Floodlight event snippet is on a site in the UK and transactions are in GBP, you wouldn't want Search Ads 360 to convert 1,300EUR to GBP (you'd actually want to see 1,300 GBP). You can create a Floodlight instruction in Search Ads 360 to indicate that the value reported by this event snippet is actually in GBP. So you'd see 1,300GBP in the Search Ads 360 advertiser report.

Exchange rates

  • If the currencies for the Search Ads 360 agency, advertiser, and engine account are the same, there’s no need for a currency exchange.

  • If any of these currencies are different, Search Ads 360 will use the exchange rate from Google daily at 6 PM Pacific time for reporting. For example, if a transaction occurs on February 12, Search Ads 360 will use the exchange rate as of 6 PM on February 12 to calculate the sale amount. Note that historical data regarding exchange rates isn't available through Search Ads 360.

Cost in Campaign Manager 360 Paid Search reports

When you view Paid Search reports in Campaign Manager 360, the Paid Search Cost metric comes from Search Ads 360 and is converted into currency defined by the Campaign Manager 360 account.

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