Prescription drugs
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Healthcare & medicines
Help article - Google Merchant CenterThis policy applies to Shopping ads and local inventory ads Our policy Google restricts the promotion of healthcare-related content such as the following: Over- Unapproved pharmaceuticals and supplements
Help article - Google Merchant CenterThis page lists examples of pharmaceuticals and supplements not allowed in Shopping ads and free listings. For more information about this policy, see the Shopp Price [price]
Help article - Google Merchant CenterUse the price [price] attribute to tell users how much you’re charging for your product. This information is shown to users. In this article When to use Format GTIN [gtin]
Help article - Manufacturer CenterUse the GTIN [gtin] attribute to submit Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs). A GTIN uniquely identifies your product. GTINs are required for all products that are Prescription drugs
Help article - Advertising PoliciesGoogle provides translated versions of our Help Center, though they are not meant to change the content of our policies. The English version is the official lan