
고객 지원팀에서는 현재 표시 언어로 문제 해결 서비스를 제공하지 않습니다. 지원팀 담당자에게 문의하려면 먼저 영어 또는 지원되는 다른 언어(스페인어, 포르투갈어, 일본어)로 전환해야 합니다. 

요청한 페이지는 현재 사용 중인 언어로 제공되지 않습니다. 페이지 하단에서 다른 언어를 선택하거나 Chrome에서 기본 제공되는 번역 기능을 사용해 웹페이지를 원하는 언어로 바로 번역할 수 있습니다.

Set your ad group default bid

An ad group is a collection of ads that are all triggered by a shared set of keywords. When you create a new ad group, we'll prompt you to create an initial ad and its keyword list, and to enter a default ad group bid. This default bid is a convenient way to manage the bids for all of the keywords in your ad group. You can override the default ad group bid for individual keywords by raising or lowering their Max CPC on the “Keywords” page.


How to set your bid when creating a new ad group

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Click Campaigns in the page menu.
  3. Click the name of a campaign you’d like to add a new ad group to.
  4. Click the plus button  to create a new ad group.
  5. Enter your ad group name, default bid, and keywords on the page that follows.
  6. Click Save and continue.

Keyword-level bids override your ad group's default bid

If you set individual keyword or placement bids, the individual bids override the ad group default bid. For example, if your default ad group bid is $0.50, but you increase one keyword's bid to $0.60, the keyword bid applies any time that one keyword triggers your ad.

Set bid adjustments for your campaign

You can set bid adjustments that increase or decrease your bids when your ad is competing to appear on mobile devices, in specific locations, and at particular days and times. In Google Ads campaigns that run on the Google Display Network, you can also set ad group-level adjustments for targeting methods like topics or placements. Bid adjustments can give you more control over when and where your ad appears.

There are many ways to set your bids, including automated bid strategies. Currently you can only create and apply automated bid strategies from the previous Search Ads 360 experience.


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