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About ad groups

An ad group contains one or more ads that target a shared set of keywords, product groups and other sets of criteria that help you target your ads to potential customers. You set a bid, or price, to be used when an ad group's keywords trigger an ad to appear. This is called a cost-per-click (CPC) bid. You can also set prices for individual keywords within the ad group. Use ad groups to organise your ads by a common theme, such as the types of products or services you want to advertise.

Group ad groups by similar themes

Many advertisers find it helpful to base their ad groups on the sections or categories that appear on their website.
For example, let's say you sell desserts, drinks and snacks on your website.

In the table below, each ad group contains a keyword list focusing on a product you sell.
The keyword list in each ad group tells our system to show ads for these products only on websites related to them.

Ad group: desserts Ad group: drinks Ad group: snacks
cupcakes fizzy drinks chips
pavlova coffee pita bread
apple pie iced coffee beef jerky
chocolate cake iced tea salted peanuts
ice cream sparkling water mixed nuts
biscuits orange juice rice crackers

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