About Google Ads on mobile devices

 This article applies only to Google Ads accounts in the new Search Ads 360.
Reach your customers while they're on the go with ads that show on mobile devices.This article explains how to show your Google Ads campaigns on different mobile devices, like mobile phones and tablets.

Before you begin

To learn the basics of text ads creation, read how to Create a new text ad.

Where mobile ads can appear

On mobile phones or tablets

Within apps on mobile phones or tablets

  • Text ads
  • Image ads
  • App promotion ads
  • Image app promotion ads
  • Video app promotion ads
  • TrueView for app promotion ads
  • Responsive display ads

Call-only ads show only on devices that can make calls


All new campaigns and text ads are automatically eligible to run on most mobile devices. If you’d like to avoid showing ads on certain devices, you can set a negative device bid adjustment.

Types of mobile ads

Mobile image ads requirements

To create image ads, your campaign must be opted into the Display Network, either as “Display Network only” or “Search Network with Display Select”. If you're using 3rd party ad serving to create ads, make sure to use the accepted sizes for images and follow the requirements:

  • Mobile phone: 320 x 50, 300 x 250, 336 x 280 Interstitial
  • Tablet: 300 x 250, 728 x 90, 468 x 60, 336 x 280 Interstitial

Best practices: Check mark icon Best practices

Read the Google Best Practices guide about growing your business with mobile ads. Topics include:

  • Mobile ad creatives and assets in Google Ads
  • Measuring the value of mobile ads
  • Mobile advertising without mobile-optimized sites

Create Effective Mobile Ads: Google Best Practices

Mobile devices

Mobile devices are products people use while they’re on the go. New mobile devices are constantly being released, so we don’t have a comprehensive list of all of them. However, here are a few common types:

Mobile phones

“Mobile phones” usually refers to smartphones that have a screen smaller than 7 inches. Keep in mind that in Google Ads, mobile phones are sometimes referred to as “mobile devices” or “mobile devices with full browsers.”


Tablets resemble both mobile phones and computer in many ways. But unlike mobile phones, tablets typically have a screen that’s 7 inches or larger. And unlike many computers, tablets have touch screens. Keep in mind that in Google Ads, “Mobile devices” is sometimes used to refer to mobile phones and tablets.


Wearables—like smartwatches—are devices that people can use to connect to the internet on the go but are typically smaller than mobile phones. At this time, Google Ads doesn’t show ads on devices that don’t have a screen.


Only show ads on desktop computers

Here's how to change your Google Ads campaign settings to show ads only on desktop computers:

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a Google Ads client account.
  3. From the page menu, click on Insights, and then click Devices.
  4. In the "Device" column, find rows that say "Mobile phones."
  5. Under the “Bid adj.” cell for your desired campaign or ad group , click pencil icon Edit.
  6. Choose Decrease from the drop-down menu.
  7. Enter 100 in the % field, and click Save.

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