Pause or resume your ad groups

This article explains how to pause, resume, or remove your ad groups.


How to pause, enable, or remove your ad groups

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Click Ad groups from the page menu.
  3. Find the “Status” column to see the current status of each ad group.
  4. Click the checkbox beside the ad group or ad groups you want to change.
  5. Click the Edit drop-down menu above the ad groups, and select Enable, Pause, or Remove.

How to find removed ad groups

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. From the page menu on the left, click Ad groups.
  3. In the upper left, click the arrow icon Open navigation panel to show the navigational panel. 
  4. In the navigation panel, click the 3-dot icon , then select Show removed.
  5. Look at the “Status” column to see ad groups that have been removed, and ad groups within campaigns that have been removed.
  • You can pause or resume a single ad group simply by clicking its status icon.
  • Show the right messages to your potential customers by creating at least 3 ads in your ad group.
  • Removed ad groups can't be enabled.

How ad groups work with other levels of your account

  • Ad groups depend on campaigns: If your ad group is in a campaign that is paused or removed, the ads in your ad group won’t run. Similarly, if your ad group is in a campaign that is enabled, the ads in your ad group can run (but you can choose to pause or remove them).
  • Ads depend on ad groups: If your ad group is paused or removed, the ads in that ad group won’t run. Similarly, if your ad group is enabled, then its ads can run (but you can choose to pause or remove them).

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