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About Microsoft Advertising text ads

 This article applies only to Microsoft Advertising accounts in the new Search Ads 360.

Text ads can appear on search results page when a customer searches on Microsoft Advertising and other partner sites. Depending on the text of the ad and other factors such as placement within the search results, the actual layout of the ad can vary.

In Microsoft Advertising accounts, text ads are created in the expanded format. Ad copy in Search Ads 360 is case-sensitive. 

You can create as many ads in Search Ads 360 as Microsoft Advertising limits allow.

Even though you can't create standard text ads, the new Search Ads 360 experience reports metrics for the ad type.
Setting Description References
Final URL (required)

Specifies a page on your site that describes the service or product in the ad.

Start the URL with https:// (or http://) and then enter the rest of the URL.

Headline and Headline2 (required)

Enter headlines for the ad.

Character limit: 30 characters each.

Description line 1 (required)

 Enter more details about your product or service.

Character limit: 80

Path (field 1 and field 2) (optional)

Enter a URL path to include in the ad's display URL. The path you enter here is combined with the domain name from the ad's final URL.

The fields give potential customers an idea of where they will end up on your site once they have clicked your ad. Your path text doesn’t have to match the exact text of your destination URL, but it should help the user understand what to expect from your landing page.

For example, if:

  • Final URL is https://www.example.com?pid=23455

  • Path 1 is hiking-boots

  • Path 2 is mens

The display URL in your ad would be:

Character limit: 15 characters each.

If you use dynamic text to generate text for this field, the dynamic text formula can be up to 50 characters long, but when Microsoft Advertising evaluates the formula, the output is required to be 15 characters or less.

Ad URL options: Tracking template (optional)

If you use a tracking service in addition to Search Ads 360 that requires you to send data to a tracking URL, add the URL to a tracking template.

After you save the ad, Search Ads 360 reformats the tracking template so its own tracking URL comes first and the additional URL comes next.

About tracking URLs in the new Search Ads 360 experience

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