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About Floodlight reporting in Discovery and Demand Gen campaigns

Floodlight reporting is now available in Search Ads 360 for conversion and event tracking across Discovery campaigns and Demand Gen campaigns. Using Floodlight you can monitor and report on conversions (for example, the actions users take interacting with one of your ads), and create audiences (such as lists of users who’ve performed specific actions on a site). You’ll start viewing conversions in the conversion column under “Floodlight”.

Keep in mind: With this change that if you use placeholder keywords in your client account, these will no longer function.

Migration from Discovery campaigns to Demand Gen campaigns

By the end of 2024 all Discovery campaigns will be migrated to Demand Gen campaigns. As part of this transition, Discovery campaigns in the Search Ads 360 UI experience will be changed to Demand Gen, which includes updates to naming, branding, and workflow for both new and existing campaigns. Your Discovery campaign data will be migrated to the Demand Gen campaigns. Any Discovery campaigns that are running at that time will continue to serve. This change will not affect your Floodlight reporting.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen to my customer’s Discovery campaign on Search Ads 360 after it’s migrated to Demand Gen?

On January 22, 2024 all Discovery campaigns that are not yet migrated to Demand Gen will be auto-migrated to Demand Gen. View the above sections for details on the migration.

Can I use placeholder keywords in my client accounts, or should they use Floodlight reporting?

It’s recommended that you use Floodlight reporting as it provides greater accuracy than using placeholder keywords.

Will Discovery Ads and Demand Gen campaigns in Search Ads 360 perform the same as they do Google Ads?

Google Ads Discovery and Demand Gen campaigns will function the same in Search Ads 360. The performance and inventory is the same across both platforms. You may find different conversion volumes attributed to Floodlight compared to Google Ads conversion tracking, but this is consistent with every other format. Learn more about Differences with engine metrics.

If I have an issue with Discovery or Demand Gen Campaign reporting in Search Ads 360 client accounts, how can I get support?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your reporting of Discovery and Demand Gen campaigns, contact Search Ads 360 support.

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